How can i turn off the turbo-opera?
do0mslayer last edited by
i can't see any button that can turn off the Turbo-opera.
I checked my provider's name in opera and it's called "Turbo-Opera mode"
my friend said that i need to turn off the Turbo-Opera mode -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@do0mslayer Turbo was removed from Opera a long time ago. Are you using the current version of Opera?
blackbird71 last edited by blackbird71
@do0mslayer Opera's Turbo feature used to route traffic returning from the desired website through Opera's proxy servers to compress some of that data and thereby relieve some of the data-traffic load for the user (as well as speed up things). Opera's VPN feature routes user browser traffic through proxy servers to provide a degree of connectivity and anonymity for a user in cases where that matters. While the goals are/were different, in both cases, data moves through proxy servers - not directly to the user. Under some circumstances, interjecting a proxy server into traffic flow can cause certain kinds of problems with some websites (especially some gaming sites) or with some user setups. Perhaps that's what your friend is referring to.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@do0mslayer So, you need to disable VPN if you don't really want to use Opera's servers.