Was für ein Schrott!
Opera4MyHeart last edited by
Nachdem bereits die Versuche mit früheren Versionen des "neuen" Opera-Browsers (ab Version 15.x) im Vergleich zur letzten Version auf der Basis von "Presto" (12.x) ein einziges Fiasko waren, hier nun die Ergebnisse die Versuchs mit der jüngsten Ausgabe (18.x):
Will heißen: Nach dem Starten hängt mir die Version 18.x gleich haufenweise im System und nimmt den Prozessor zu 100 Prozent in Beschlag und bremst mir das ganze System aus. Wenn ich den Browser schließe, dauert es noch fast eine Minute, bis die letzte exe sich geschlossen hat. Das Ganze hat sich bei mehreren Starts immer wieder so abgespielt. Die Installation verlief übrigens problemlos und ohne jegliche Fehlermeldung. Auch beim Start gibt es keinerlei Fehlermeldungen.
Bis hierher kann mein Fazit nur lauten: Was für ein Schrott!
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
One of the advantages of the new Blink engine is that it is multi-threaded. As such, you will see multiple Opera processes in the task list - generally speaking, one for each tab plus one to control all the others. On a typical multi-core processor, the old Presto-based Opera never used more than one core (more than 25% CPU on a quad-core system) which severely limited its speed ...
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by sgunhouse:
On a typical multi-core processor, the old Presto-based Opera never used more than one core (more than 25% CPU on a quad-core system) which severely limited its speed ...
For the most part, I consider that a feature. I'd recommend running Chromium with cpulimit, but I'm not entirely sure if that would even work with all the spawned processes. Basically, if Chromium goes haywire it hijacks 100% CPU, although luckily its priority is usually low enough for the system to remain somewhat responsive. If Opera goes haywire, you barely even notice it.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Frenzie:
Basically, if Chromium goes haywire it hijacks 100% CPU, ...
Which seems to be the case in the above post, slowing down the whole system. After closing the browser it takes several minutes untill the last Opera-process gets closed.
frenzie last edited by
I suspect it might be the speed dials updating themselves or something, but doing it all at once instead of a bit more sequentially.