zer0vski last edited by Jan 14, 2021, 5:24 PM
hi why do u removed this extension in Chrome Web Store?
sailormax last edited by Jan 15, 2021, 12:15 PM
@zer0vski It was done by Google and still without any explanations...
sailormax last edited by Jan 16, 2021, 8:09 AM
@mackderrick Can you more describe the situation. I need to repeat it.
thank you.
AnixHarver last edited by Jan 16, 2021, 1:52 PM
Hi, since yesterday the translator not works. I see only error 0.
sailormax last edited by Jan 17, 2021, 9:12 AM
@anixharver Which translator provider do you use? Google, Microsoft, Yandex,..?
And what text and language pair do you use, as sample.
I need to repeat the problem.thank you.
sailormax last edited by Jan 17, 2021, 9:13 AM
@mackderrick Which page? And what do you mean "not working"? What I need to do, to repeat it?
A Former User last edited by leocg Jan 20, 2021, 12:06 AM Jan 19, 2021, 11:22 PM
Please enlarge the copy button.
jcarteropera last edited by Jan 22, 2021, 8:26 PM
@sailormax: where? I couldnt find it. I needed to delete this plugin twice because of virus warning
sailormax last edited by Jan 23, 2021, 7:53 AM
@jcarteropera said in Translator:
- Right click on textension's button / Options
- latst checkbox: "Use background process (require browser restart)"
sailormax last edited by Jan 28, 2021, 7:24 PM
@koruy К сожалению это ограничение GitHub по отношению к "моему" решению. Я использую панельки от самих сервисов перевода, а GitHub запрещает вставлять сторонние решения.
mxilian last edited by Jan 28, 2021, 8:26 PM
@taurg: Работает. Для этого нужно перейти в хроме в дополнительные инструменты -> расширения, и потом перетащить скачанный crx в эту вкладку.
palx last edited by Jan 28, 2021, 11:29 PM
Please, consider giving us the option, to translate a page with clicking on the apps icon. Thank you.
palx last edited by Jan 28, 2021, 11:33 PM
@palx: was this method discontinued? "load required web page, press on extension's button and click on "Translate active page '..."
palx last edited by Jan 29, 2021, 12:05 AM
@palx: My bad, you have to be in an active page for the prompt to show.
hooter last edited by Feb 2, 2021, 3:43 AM
Attention ! This application contains a virus, the work of a virus is that it goes to sites without your knowledge to view paid advertisements and phishing sites that are in the black list, these sites collect data about you. !!! phishing sites that pose a threat to you. Do not believe everything that they write to you here.
Внимание ! Данное приложение содержит вирус, работа вируса заключается в том, он заходит на сайты без вашего ведома для просмотра платной рекламы и фишинговых сайтов которые находятся в чёрном листе, эти сайты собирают данные про вас. !!! фишинговые сайты которые несут угрозу для вас. Не верьте всему что вам тут пишут. -
sailormax last edited by Feb 2, 2021, 5:51 AM
@hooter Это ложь. Укажите в каком месте приложение собирает данные о пользователе? Исходный код у каждого в открытой форме.
hooter last edited by leocg Feb 2, 2021, 6:22 PM Feb 2, 2021, 5:51 PM
@sailormax: Read my comment carefully. The application visits the phishing site, while the phishing site collects data about the visitor, the application uses the host without the knowledge of the person who installed this application. Surprisingly, this app hasn't been blocked yet.
The application poses a threat to the user's confidential data,
if the application behaves incorrectly and uses the host without the user's knowledge, the application visits the sites that are in the black lists of all antiviruses in the world. Once again, for those who did not understand, this application works without your knowledge, goes to phishing sites, sites are directly infected with a Trojan and other viruses,
these sites are blacklisted by antiviruses, I list the names of sites from the blacklists with infection and or phishing data collection, adokutcontextual / oxycodes / flurryad / admeridianads / overonixa / adxfactory / d0.sweetwinds / xml.pushmobo / alspearowa / and many others
These sites are phishing sites or spread a Trojan virus and many others, these sites and many other sites are blacklisted by all licensed antiviruses in the world. If an application goes to various sites without your knowledge and uses your host and traffic, this is a virus that works stealthily on your machine,
and this means it poses a threat to your confidential data., carries the threat of infecting your machine with viruses.