[Solved]"Delay loading of background tabs" stopped working
mackopu last edited by leocg
It must have changed very recently.
Before, if I opened YouTube links in background tabs, they didn't load until I clicked them.
Now they all load/play immediately.
mackopu last edited by mackopu
@leocg It did not, but it seems some aspect of the browser behavior has changed in this regard..
I need to correct myself, tabs will indeed still not auto-load if I manually open them in the background.
But they will auto-load/play if I let the website/script open them.
You can try it here at http://text2url.wz.sk (allowing "pop-ups" from this address) with pasting couple of YouTube urls in the box and using "Otvoriť všetky" (Open all).
I randomly tested some <60 version, (58.0.3135.90) and it works as expected there (only active tab will load/play, when opened this way).
I am not sure what changed and when.
If someone can point me to an exact version, changelog entry or setting to alter this behavior, pls do.
mackopu last edited by
Problem seems to have went away after updating from 60.0.3255.170 to 62.0.3331.18.