Opera 15 is a DISASTER
michaelcrane last edited by
I just installed . .. and very quickly uninstalled 15!
If that's the future of Opera then I'm off back to Firefox.
jrista last edited by
I think the feature that I am most infuriated is now missing is the closed tabs list. I used that feature ALL THE TIME. I hated the fact that none of the other browsers had it, and it was probably one of the core critical things that kept me on opera, despite how many sites didn't render properly.
Well, I have needed it so many times since I installed Opera 15, and it just plain isn't there. The ONLY thing Opera had going for it was its features, particularly the unique ones like the closed tabs list so accidentally closed pages could easily be reopened. Along the same line was the infinite history, the durability of everything in every tab (i.e. if you started typing text in input fields, then closed the browser or the system crashed...Opera WAS the ONLY browser that PRESERVED THAT INFO!! You could restart opera after a full system crash, and ALL your previously filled in form data was always preserved! Not any more...)
This is utterly pathetic. Operas one strength is gone. The unparalleled functionality, its unparalleled convenience, all the things it once did to make using the web, particularly in unstable environments, a pleasant and even addictive experience....are gone. What a sad, sad, depressing day. What a joke. Opera 15...RIP.
Deleted User last edited by
Patience, Gentlemen. It's in a development stage. Meanwhile, use Opera 11 or 12. Features that you miss will be added. It takes time to rewrite from the ground up.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by leushino:
Patience, Gentlemen. It's in a development stage. Meanwhile, use Opera 11 or 12. Features that you miss will be added. It takes time to rewrite from the ground up.
Development? They are making us download it as theirs most recent stable version.
If this is in development (then not a final version) why they don't aware us about that, and why they making us install it?
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by miblog:
Originally posted by leushino:
Patience, Gentlemen. It's in a development stage. Meanwhile, use Opera 11 or 12. Features that you miss will be added. It takes time to rewrite from the ground up.
Development? They are making us download it as theirs most recent stable version. If this is in development (then not a final version) why they don't aware us about that, and why they making us install it?
Opera 15 is the most recent stable version, though it's sparse on features since it's the first release built around the new engine. Opera also maintains a development-version channel which currently is testing version 16, and other versions will be forthcoming that will be adding in features as things unfold. You can keep abreast of what is unfolding in versions (both released and developmental) via following: Opera Desktop Blog, especially the comments sections that are linked beneath each entry... that's how you find out the ebb and flow of both user experiences and developer comments/responses to issues raised. (But it does take some time and effort to follow, as comments quickly accumulate with each version update/candidate.)
Opera 12.16 also remains as a separate stable release version, and will be security-patched until things get more established with the Opera 15 line (and its successor versions). You can continue using 12.16 for the foreseeable future while it's maintained, if that suits you. Nobody is "making us download" or "making us install" Opera 15... it specifically is designed not to over-write the old Opera versions via updating, and 12.16 still can be accessed as a download.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by miblog:
Originally posted by leushino:
Patience, Gentlemen. It's in a development stage. Meanwhile, use Opera 11 or 12. Features that you miss will be added. It takes time to rewrite from the ground up.
Development? They are making us download it as theirs most recent stable version.
If this is in development (then not a final version) why they don't aware us about that, and why they making us install it?
You're not forced to download and install anything. Stay with version 12. There is no reason to download and install something that doesn't work for you.
chelo7777 last edited by
Opera 15 sucks...webkits sucks...monopolys sucks.
My english sucks....uso Opera desde Opera 4 y en vez de dejar codigo abiero el motor de Opera 12 lo cierran ??...una verdadera porqueria buulll shhiittt
Deleted User last edited by
It's just a common mistake. It is not "Opera" 15. It's a Chrome. I think there has been a typo in the first page of Opera's website.
@leushino, I will find it hard to believe if you deny that you are getting paid by Opera to post in these forums constantly ( I sincerely hope that you get paid!). Nobody has that much time or will to come here and go on every topic making long arguments defending what is basically rubbish. Anyway, I hope at least the money is worth it to be a hired troll\ LOL
dfaw last edited by
I am more than grieved to hear the horror stories of Opera's latest release. I've not updated, but all I've heard is this comparison with Chrome. I am a very long time Opera user, exclusively since almost the beginning of the browser itself. Other browsers annoy me to no end, probably because they lacked the many wonderful features opera gave us. I work as a developer for a major enterprise social software company and completely understand the needed change. Opera has never been given consideration in our company, despite my consistent reporting of bugs in which I was always told, "we do not support Opera". Instead we rather cater to moronic people who still insist on using antiquated versions of IE. So to hear the rendering engine would be changed delighted me to no end. Not because I am a fan of WebKit, I am not. I just wanted to see Opera get the chance it deserved and knock these other browsers down a notch. Then my guts where ripped out and stomped on to find out everything that I base my whole Internet experience on would be trashed with Presto.
I call foul on Opera, I hope this issue is resolved in the near future. But rarely do corporations really care what we as loyal users think or need. I am almost ashamed now for being an advocate and turning so many people on to Opera. Really, I never cared about the compatibility issues Opera had. Yes sometimes it was annoying, but my anger was always towards the site itself. Somehow I always found a way around these problems, even if it meant using a substandard browser for a few minutes.
So I anxiously await the outcome of this fiasco and hope to see Opera return to its former glory at which time I'll update. Until then I will try to find the best open source browser for my needs. We can't use Opera 12 forever, might as well switch back to Mosaic.
Deleted User last edited by
This latest "stable" version has one truly irritating problem on Windows 8, every time I open certain websites, there is a pop up screen asking me to search some kind of app on Windows store. It is annoying as hell!
Also, what needs to be said, so you bring back bookmarks? You want to be like Chrome, but they at least have bookmarks. What do you actually put in all those updates you put out every week? Opera 15 has a lot of potential, but by doing nothing to improve it you make people hate it, that's a fact.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Originally posted by Pukovnik:
but by doing nothing to improve it you make people hate it, that's a fact.
Is it now ?.
Then maybe you should pop your little self over to the Opera Desktop Team blog and take a look at what is happening in the current (beta) Opera Next 16, and what users are currently saying about it.
karolina84 last edited by
After 12 years of using Opera I was forced to migrate to another software. What a shame. RSS, mail client and bookmarks were the main features I loved Opera for. Now I am being forced to use Chrome and Win Live Mail... I hate your decision.
detlungt last edited by
Why do i have to accept this version. It is complete a disaster. I can not have my bookmarks of version 12 back.
Does anyone know where can i get the old version 12? Please, can you give the link!!!
detlungt last edited by
I found a Webpage with the old versions.
Almost all of them. Cheer
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by detlungt:
...Does anyone know where can i get the old version 12? Please, can you give the link!!!
On Opera's main download page, you will find about 3/4 of the way down (just under the video), the following:
Looking for the previous version? Download Opera 12
(That leads to the 12.16 download: http://www.opera.com/download/get/?partner=www&opsys=Windows&classic=1 )
For other, older Opera versions, the Opera archive web pages list the various available Opera versions. For Windows, that page is: http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/win/ . However, I note that page currently only lists Opera versions up through 12.11, so for 12.12 through 12.15, I'm not sure what one has to do to get them.
Edited to add: There are now a couple of ways to get the full array of Opera versions...
ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/ - gives direct access to the file store (in this case, for Windows versions)
http://www.opera.com/download/guide/?custom=yes - gives access to the full array of versions for all types of OS -
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by LinuxMint7:
Is it now ?.
Then maybe you should pop your little self over to the Opera Desktop Team blog and take a look at what is happening in the current (beta) Opera Next 16, and what users are currently saying about it.
LOL... you crack me up. Thanks for providing direction to our woeful friend.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by spartaa:
Good stuff, Spartaa! Not sure why so many believe they are being "forced" to update when the older versions are still available and receiving security updates.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by arashpour:
@leushino, I will find it hard to believe if you deny that you are getting paid by Opera to post in these forums constantly ( I sincerely hope that you get paid!). Nobody has that much time or will to come here and go on every topic making long arguments defending what is basically rubbish. Anyway, I hope at least the money is worth it to be a hired troll\ LOL
Relax, my misguided friend. Opera is not paying me anything. Hey... they need all their resources right now as they re-gear to create the best browser in the world. Right?
There are so many worried souls, wringing their hands as they believe that Opera is dying. Buck up! Have you tried v16? Go over to the dev blogs and learn what is happening. It's very exciting as new features are being added and older ones returned. This browser is going to rock. Oh... and learn what a "troll" truly is before you start tossing around terms which you clearly do not understand. BUT... no offense taken by me. I wish you well.