Opera 15 is a DISASTER
dfaw last edited by
I am more than grieved to hear the horror stories of Opera's latest release. I've not updated, but all I've heard is this comparison with Chrome. I am a very long time Opera user, exclusively since almost the beginning of the browser itself. Other browsers annoy me to no end, probably because they lacked the many wonderful features opera gave us. I work as a developer for a major enterprise social software company and completely understand the needed change. Opera has never been given consideration in our company, despite my consistent reporting of bugs in which I was always told, "we do not support Opera". Instead we rather cater to moronic people who still insist on using antiquated versions of IE. So to hear the rendering engine would be changed delighted me to no end. Not because I am a fan of WebKit, I am not. I just wanted to see Opera get the chance it deserved and knock these other browsers down a notch. Then my guts where ripped out and stomped on to find out everything that I base my whole Internet experience on would be trashed with Presto.
I call foul on Opera, I hope this issue is resolved in the near future. But rarely do corporations really care what we as loyal users think or need. I am almost ashamed now for being an advocate and turning so many people on to Opera. Really, I never cared about the compatibility issues Opera had. Yes sometimes it was annoying, but my anger was always towards the site itself. Somehow I always found a way around these problems, even if it meant using a substandard browser for a few minutes.
So I anxiously await the outcome of this fiasco and hope to see Opera return to its former glory at which time I'll update. Until then I will try to find the best open source browser for my needs. We can't use Opera 12 forever, might as well switch back to Mosaic.
Deleted User last edited by
This latest "stable" version has one truly irritating problem on Windows 8, every time I open certain websites, there is a pop up screen asking me to search some kind of app on Windows store. It is annoying as hell!
Also, what needs to be said, so you bring back bookmarks? You want to be like Chrome, but they at least have bookmarks. What do you actually put in all those updates you put out every week? Opera 15 has a lot of potential, but by doing nothing to improve it you make people hate it, that's a fact.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Originally posted by Pukovnik:
but by doing nothing to improve it you make people hate it, that's a fact.
Is it now ?.
Then maybe you should pop your little self over to the Opera Desktop Team blog and take a look at what is happening in the current (beta) Opera Next 16, and what users are currently saying about it.
karolina84 last edited by
After 12 years of using Opera I was forced to migrate to another software. What a shame. RSS, mail client and bookmarks were the main features I loved Opera for. Now I am being forced to use Chrome and Win Live Mail... I hate your decision.
detlungt last edited by
Why do i have to accept this version. It is complete a disaster. I can not have my bookmarks of version 12 back.
Does anyone know where can i get the old version 12? Please, can you give the link!!!
detlungt last edited by
I found a Webpage with the old versions.
Almost all of them. Cheer
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by detlungt:
...Does anyone know where can i get the old version 12? Please, can you give the link!!!
On Opera's main download page, you will find about 3/4 of the way down (just under the video), the following:
Looking for the previous version? Download Opera 12
(That leads to the 12.16 download: http://www.opera.com/download/get/?partner=www&opsys=Windows&classic=1 )
For other, older Opera versions, the Opera archive web pages list the various available Opera versions. For Windows, that page is: http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/win/ . However, I note that page currently only lists Opera versions up through 12.11, so for 12.12 through 12.15, I'm not sure what one has to do to get them.
Edited to add: There are now a couple of ways to get the full array of Opera versions...
ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/ - gives direct access to the file store (in this case, for Windows versions)
http://www.opera.com/download/guide/?custom=yes - gives access to the full array of versions for all types of OS -
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by LinuxMint7:
Is it now ?.
Then maybe you should pop your little self over to the Opera Desktop Team blog and take a look at what is happening in the current (beta) Opera Next 16, and what users are currently saying about it.
LOL... you crack me up. Thanks for providing direction to our woeful friend.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by spartaa:
Good stuff, Spartaa! Not sure why so many believe they are being "forced" to update when the older versions are still available and receiving security updates.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by arashpour:
@leushino, I will find it hard to believe if you deny that you are getting paid by Opera to post in these forums constantly ( I sincerely hope that you get paid!). Nobody has that much time or will to come here and go on every topic making long arguments defending what is basically rubbish. Anyway, I hope at least the money is worth it to be a hired troll\ LOL
Relax, my misguided friend. Opera is not paying me anything. Hey... they need all their resources right now as they re-gear to create the best browser in the world. Right?
There are so many worried souls, wringing their hands as they believe that Opera is dying. Buck up! Have you tried v16? Go over to the dev blogs and learn what is happening. It's very exciting as new features are being added and older ones returned. This browser is going to rock. Oh... and learn what a "troll" truly is before you start tossing around terms which you clearly do not understand. BUT... no offense taken by me. I wish you well.
geghard last edited by
I agree in everything jrista said. New Opera is missing everything which makes Opera different from other browsers. at first they removed Opera Unite which was a really unique feature and now all of opera's special features including very basic things such as ctrl+z and tabs grouping. I use opera link all the time and even if they finally add it to new opera still it wouldn't be useful since new opera opens everything in new page (even the settings!) it would be impossible to save a new page on opera link by dragging the tab and definitely it won't be easy to reach. I downloaded the new version cause I thought they probably added modern UI interface for windows users but obviously they don't care.
rumpel23 last edited by
Count me in as another long-time Opera user who uninstalled Opera 15.
After reading this thread, I do resent the fact that when I went to get a copy of Opera to install on a newly set up Win 7 x64 machine, the website gave me Opera 15 without any warning that it's still a beta. I don't do betas any more -- haven't the time or the interest in dealing with the problems that sometimes come with them -- including missing features.
In my case, I was upgrading from Win XP Pro. That means a clean install. So of course the Opera 15 install didn't find any Opera 12 files to import. And the folder structures have changed, making it hard to figure out what to do with the config files from my old setup. Then I discovered some of the missing features -- especially the site preferences for things like javascript, plugins, etc. That was enough for me. I uninstalled Opera 15, installed a copy of Opera 12.16 from Opera's website, and copied the config files into place from my backup of the old system. Everything seems to be OK. Whew. But all that blew away a whole afternoon in which I could have been installing other software or enjoying the sunshine.
Thank you, Opera, for at least making the configuration issue fairly simple in Opera 12. I really didn't want to lose all my bookmarks and passwords. The bookmarks and Speed Dial came across from Opera Link OK, but not the passwords or site preferences. And I don't know what else didn't come across; that was enough for me. I just overwrote what was in the config files with the files from the old system.
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by Rumpel23:
... After reading this thread, I do resent the fact that when I went to get a copy of Opera to install on a newly set up Win 7 x64 machine, the website gave me Opera 15 without any warning that it's still a beta. I don't do betas any more -- haven't the time or the interest in dealing with the problems that sometimes come with them -- including missing features. ...
Opera 15 is not a beta. It's a final, stable version release of a browser. I say this not as a fan of 15 (I'm not), but because it's reality. In software, beta refers to a design whose stability is still somewhat uncertain, for whatever reasons - not a term for describing its feature set. Just because a version lacks certain (or even many) features, it does not make it a beta or an alpha. I realize that many users who are disappointed in the feature situation with Opera 15 use the "beta" term derisively - but that doesn't help either establish the credibility of the poster's complaints or keep the air clear as the discussion continues.
Opera has for some time expressed how they're doing this: they will be releasing a series of "final" versions (15 being the initial one), each of which will be (hopefully) self-stable and each of which will add certain features or changes to how (and which) things can be done by the user. Some might call it a step-by-step plan to eventually get to a full-featured, mature desktop browser without stepping into a myriad of cow-pies along the way by attempting too much too soon. Some of us might prefer a different approach, but this was/is Opera's call to make, and this is how they're developing it. So user patience is the watchword... along with more careful, measured rhetoric regarding what we as users want to see done. I, for one, am certainly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as this goes along and will await their further development efforts to see how well the browser matures. Opera has been extremely skilled in the past in matching user needs to features, so let's see where this all leads over the next months.
One thing Opera might have done better on or before 15's release would have been to better communicate about the version 15 user functions - there are a lot of changes from the older Opera versions, and needless to say, this has upset a lot of users who were caught by surprise. I honestly think Opera has learned a lot from this experience, and they certainly are making better communications efforts (and that includes seriously listening to complaints) in the various version blogs and many of the Forum threads.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by soulloot:
search for terms shareholder and/or leushino on this page (and leushino's usage of the word "we"): http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1699132&t=1374766554&page=1#comment14423562
Too funny. Your thinking (in many areas) needs to be adjusted. You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not a shareholder. I'm a long-time, LOYAL Opera user... one who has paid for the browser in the past. I'm fully behind Opera's new browser and expectant that it will gain much popularity in the long run. There are bound to be some casualties (perhaps you?) but that's to be expected. People don't like change and ironically many of those least adaptable are younger geeks. But there are also the ones least likely to pay or bring any income into the company. You are aware, are you not, that Opera is a business for profit... right? Relax. Be patient. Use Opera 12 until the new browser contains the features you now miss.
Oh... and stop being such a conspiracy theorists (although it is amusing).
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by leushino:
Originally posted by arashpour:
@leushino, I will find it hard to believe if you deny that you are getting paid by Opera to post in these forums constantly ( I sincerely hope that you get paid!). Nobody has that much time or will to come here and go on every topic making long arguments defending what is basically rubbish. Anyway, I hope at least the money is worth it to be a hired troll\ LOL
Relax, my misguided friend. Opera is not paying me anything. Hey... they need all their resources right now as they re-gear to create the best browser in the world. Right?
There are so many worried souls, wringing their hands as they believe that Opera is dying. Buck up! Have you tried v16? Go over to the dev blogs and learn what is happening. It's very exciting as new features are being added and older ones returned. This browser is going to rock. Oh... and learn what a "troll" truly is before you start tossing around terms which you clearly do not understand. BUT... no offense taken by me. I wish you well.
I didn't offend you at all. I just stated some facts. BTW, you did not deny that you are working for Opera? Oh well, who would believe you anyway given the fact that you are still constantly answering EVERY post against the new version. Are you even only one person?! And oh, you better look up the meaning of "LOL" to understand that "troll" calling was a joke.
Nonetheless nobody is going to change his mind about Opera if you attack them or not. It was not YOUR opinion that made Opera great. It was Opera that made Opera great. So save your energy (and Opera company better save their money and fire you already).
jocelynjames last edited by
Yeah, I haven't been liking this new Opera at all. Which is sad because it's chrome based and I had higher expectations... There are a lot of great chrome-based browsers like rockmelt and the torch browser, I really wanted Opera to be just as good. Maybe the next version will be better.
unclebobo last edited by
Opera 15 is nothing more than a sellout to google. If I wanted their lousy chrome browser I would have gotten it from them. Seems to me that you are not "developing" anything. It is more like you are CONVERTING to google. I'll be dumping this google-paid piece of crapwork and reverting back to 12.16. The last great browser on earth.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by arashpour:
I didn't offend you at all. I just stated some facts. BTW, you did not deny that you are working for Opera? Oh well, who would believe you anyway given the fact that you are still constantly answering EVERY post against the new version. Are you even only one person?! And oh, you better look up the meaning of "LOL" to understand that "troll" calling was a joke.
Nonetheless nobody is going to change his mind about Opera if you attack them or not. It was not YOUR opinion that made Opera great. It was Opera that made Opera great. So save your energy (and Opera company better save their money and fire you already).
Your facts are nothing more than surmises. I do NOT work for Opera. I have no financial connection with Opera or its subsidiaries. As far as people believing me or not, that is their prerogative. The last time I checked the mirror, there was only one of me staring back so yeah... I'm one guy (who loves Maui, by the way).
I'm not attacking anyone. I'm essentially trying to tell Opera lovers to act reasonably and like adults. Behaving like spoiled children is counter-productive and will not bring about any substantive change.
No need for me to save my energy. I have plenty and I enjoy calming troubled waters. I've already seen some angry-types change their tune and several have decided to stay the course. Opera 12 is NOT returning so you'd better get used to it. Holding your breath, throwing yourself on the floor and kicking and screaming will result in bruised shins (not good for you, you know). As I see it you have a few viable choices:
- stay with Opera 12 (and keep an eye on the new browser's development)
- leave Opera altogether for another browser (may I suggest SeaMonkey)
- be a brave little man and try Opera 15 and its successors. Try to find workarounds for those features that are currently missing. Consider it an adventure.Now.. I'm not going to charge you for my expert advice. I know.... my generosity overwhelms you (hey, I'm just a generous guy, what can I say?). But I want to see a big smile on that sour puss of yours. So... there you go!