[Implemented]Make selected tab more visible in dark mode
A Former User last edited by
I also find the difficulty in distinguishing the active tab from the other tabs while in dark mode to be the most frustrating thing about using Opera.
jamesconstance last edited by jamesconstance
Jeez - I wish this was fixed (having once again closed a tab that I thought was the one I had just finished reading, but turned out to be another one).
stolis last edited by
I agree 100%. It's really sad seeing they aren't doing something about this after so long time. I also prefer the older gray color as well, by the way.
stolis last edited by
They could at least create a couple of different dark themes, letting users select the one they like
newworldman last edited by
I notice that when you mouse over a tab it goes distinctively grey but once activated it turns to indistinguishable black. Why not keep it as grey? That would surely be an easy fix. Contrast this with the dark theme in Vivaldi for example. The latter is fine.
sopranoX last edited by
Open tab should be highlighted with much visible silver tone colour, keep closing wrong tab, very annoying.
Also "x" to close tab should have been on the right, why ? When the tabs open towards right, why on earth you'd put the close "x" on the left side ?
I love opera and the dark theme but these two things needs must be corrected. -
doublefields last edited by
Can someone tell me how is this implemented? 4 years later and i have exactly the same issue in dark mode
jannilerat last edited by
I have been having more trouble finding the active tab than ever now that tab islands have been implemented, which paint the connected tabs with a color halfway to the color of the active tab.