Play audio mp3 files. Please help
nicusorilie last edited by
Hello everybody,
This is my first post!
I need your experience and help.
I have a problem with the last version of Opera (22.0.1471.50 - Win7 - 32b) (in fact, an old version, e.g. 12.17 build 1863 has the same problem).
If I enter the web address: www.onesite/4jun.mp3, the audio file starts in Quick Time (and I see the controls bar etc). Ok.
If I enter the web address: www.mysite/4jun.mp3 (the file 4jun.mp3 exists on the host), I see the message: "this plug-in is not supported" and nothing happens.
I have installed all the plugins (last versions), for Real Player, Windows Media Player, Java, Quick time Player, Adobe Shockwave Player, Silverlight etc).
I have all the files .dll from the Quick Time's folder plugin to Opera. So, I suppose that it is ok (that I have all tried and all installed), but I can not hear an mp3 audio file if this is in local (on my host).
More than this, I have an php file something like this:
<?php echo "<embed src='wwwmysite/4jun.mp3'>"; ?>
[/code]again, nothing happens and "the plug-in is not supported".
WHY does this happen? What's wrong? Why does the first play, and the second not?
I really need to play mp3 files (I know it is not directly supported, but yes via Quick Time...) because wav file is too big.
lem729 last edited by
When I enter the web addreses:
I don't end up in a location for playing a music or mp3 file.
linuxmint7 last edited by
@lem729 I think they are just example addresses, as they are not proper URL's (they don't end in .com/.org/, etc). From what i gather, they were just examples to demonstrate that there is (or seems to be) a possible problem that audio files are not playing via certain domains.
lem729 last edited by
Maybe there's something on nicusorillie's computer (a music player) that he has selected/associated to play mp3s, and it's not an Opera plugin. If he wants, let's say, Quick Time to play the mp3 music, he needs to make sure that the mp3 file type is associated with Quick Time. And that Quick Time as a plugin is enabled in Opera. To check that it's enabled, he can type in the Opera Address bar, Opera:Plugins. Or if he wants another music player to have the association -- like Windows Media Player -- he needs to make sure the mp3 file type is associated with Windows Media Player, and that that WMP plugin is enabled in Opera.
He could open Quick Time on his desktop (or through Explorer), and restore file associations to it (in case it went to some rogue
player that isn't an Opera plugin), so the association would go back to Quick-Time for the mp3s. Or restore associations to another player. He just needs to be sure that the player that has the association for mp3s is enabled as a plug-in in Opera.
I'm not an expert on this, but just wanted to get the ball rolling. A first post needs to be a successful one. So anyone else with a thought, please chime in
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Make sure your site is sending mp3 files as audio/mpeg?