"Custom New Tab Page" add-on by sanishmistry is gone
icl7126 last edited by
I've noticed the add-on for overriding New tab page got deleted recently:
It's still in Googles cache.And it's author is still here:
https://addons.opera.com/en-gb/search/?developer=sanishmistryIs there a way to get it back? I have it installed and it still works, it just can't be downloaded anymore.
I'm asking because I'm author of Group Speed Dial add-on and since my add-on is awaiting moderation since May 23, 2017 (!!!), this "Custom New Tab Page" was only way to get it properly work in Opera (after installing it from Chrome web store).
Thank you and happy new year!
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Opera no longer allows you to override the start page (
). In Opera Developer at least (I think even Beta), the behavior is blocked all the way (no workarounds). Opera is also removing extensions that try to do that from the addons site. In other words, I don't think it'll be added back to the addon store. I'm also assuming your extension won't be approved.Opera is protecting the start page. Most likely this is because Opera has promotions on the page that they don't want things messing with.
A Former User last edited by
Yeah, this is pretty dumb, considering you can already remove the ad links from showing up in the page as it is.
I had been using the Momentum extension (Chrome), which is great for motivation and a few task-related tracking items. It's a shame that Opera finds this functionality so problematic, as it's been pleasantly helpful.