Was "New update add useless button"
mike88 last edited by leocg
Apparently because a user who experienced this problem deleted their profile and started anew which solved the problem the moderator in his/her wisdom says this is a solution and closed the topic ! Excuse me but why should I have to delete my profile and make another when its not the users problem in the first place. I have several machines with Opera on, well I may do as instructed but not bother to reinstal the browser if this is the moderators response. He/she should realise there are other browsers for users to use ! I rest my case.
mike88 last edited by
Thanks for your response. I only have one extension "Adblocker Ultimate" that has always been ok before. However I have gone to the drastic lengths of uninstalling Opera , profile,cache etc and reinstalled. Everything is working fine now, but I now have the job of changing the program settings to my likeing etc which is a bit of a chore.