Clear history automatically? No history at all?
marshall0407 last edited by
Hello everyone,
I use Oper for years and i remember the posibillity of clearing the history at every closing of opera. Ist this possible? Is it possible to clear it automatically or to have no history at all? thanks a lot!!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
You could enable this flag under opera://flags
*New history entries require a user gesture.
Require a user gesture to add a history entry. – Mac, Windows, Linux#enable-history-entry-requires-user-gesture*
It may help.No inbuilt way to automatically clear on close, but you can add bookmark to bookmarks bar or speed dial opera://settings/clearBrowserData
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@marshall0407 There is no such option in Opera Chromium. You can try some extension.