Some Youtube videos are showing up solid green, possible codec issue
A Former User last edited by
Recently a few Youtube videos have been showing up with the video all green. Audio is OK but the picture cannot be seen. According to the Stats for Nerds, the green videos are using AVC1/MPG4a codec. Videos for which the picture shows up normal are using VP9/Opus codec. As this is a recent phenomenon it may be the latest version of Opera either lost compatibility with the problem codecs, or the codecs were changed and they lost compatibility with Opera. I checked the same videos in Edge and Chromium and they all appear fine, no green screen.
Two examples of green video in opera are:
Two examples of similarly themed videos that appear properly are:
I suggest you check the Stats for Nerds for these to confirm that the codecs appear to be the common factor. -
A Former User last edited by
PS-- I watched five year old video that has the AVC1/MPG4a and it came up green. Unless Youtube has recently recoded all their videos, the problem is probably due to a recent change in Opera's codec handling. be nice if previous forum entries could be edited after posting, rather than having to reply to my own post just to add something.)
A Former User last edited by
@gridsleep345 Does it still happens after the required steps
ya might try this to see if it helps..
Settings - Left pane (check the box) Show advance settings - Browser - Right pane scroll down to System - (uncheck box)
Use hardware acceleration when available
Btw - all the links ya posted play here in win 10 & 8.1 with latest version 52.0.2871.99
A Former User last edited by
Actually... the problem stopped right after I posted that it was a problem. Two weeks of occasional green videos, and then it just stops. AVC1/MP4a videos are appearing as normal as the Opus ones. Go figure.