Any way to save router password?
A Former User last edited by
I got a new router (HG8245H), I already tried #enable-manual-password-saving and #enable-autofill-ignore-autocomplete-off flags. The login is "not secure" (http only). Any way to save user/password for it?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
I'm thinking Chromium browsers don't offer to save passwords for HTTP auth dialogs like that. There might be a workaround though.
Create a "Chrome Passwords.csv":
(adjust for your situation)
Enable ```opera://flags/#PasswordImport" and relaunch Opera. Then, goto "Menu -> Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Passwords -> Show all Passwords -> import" and try to import the csv file.
Assuming you have the URL in the CSV file correct, you might get lucky and Opera will then auto-fill the dialog for you.
If it's not a pop-up dialog you have to log into, you might have to ctrl + shift + i on the router page and modify the login form's HTML and then submit your username and password to get Opera to save. Hard telling without the router to test with. But, give that stuff a try.