Am I infected by a malware ?
A Former User last edited by
on any web page when I do "right click" -> "inspect element" -> I select the HTML tag -> "right click" -> "copy" -> "copy outerHTML" Opera add strange links on style tag:
Maybe I'm okay wight " a[href^=""], :root" but I'm very afraid of " a[href^=""], :root" for example.
Opera 51.0.2830.55 tested on two different mac.
Please find the complete list below:
<style type="text/css">:root
topadblock, :root
td[valign="top"] > .mainmenu[style="padding:10px 0 0 0 !important;"], :root
input[onclick^="'"], :root
input[onclick^="'"], :root
img[alt^="Fuckbook"], :root
iframe[src^=""], :root
iframe[src^=""], :root
div[id^="zergnet-widget"], :root
div[id^="mainads"], :root
div[id^="lazyad-"], :root
div[id^="google_dfp_"], :root
div[id^="dmRosAdWrapper"], :root
div[id^="div_ad_stack_"], :root
iframe[id^="google_ads_iframe"], :root
div[id^="crt-"][style], :root
div[id^="cns_ads_"], :root
div[id^="ads300_250-widget"], :root
iframe[src^=""], :root
div[id^="ads300_100-widget"], :root
div[id^="ads250_250-widget"], :root
div[id^="adrotate_widgets-"], :root
div[id^="ad_script_"], :root
div[id^="ad-server-"], :root
div[id^="acm-ad-tag-"], :root
div[id^="MarketGid"], :root
div[id^="ADV-SLOT-"], :root
div[class^="proadszone-"], :root
div[class^="local-feed-banner-ads"], :root
div[class^="block-openx-"], :root
div[class^="BlockAdvert-"], :root
div[class^="Ad__container"], :root
div[class^="Ad__bigBox"], :root
div[id^="div-adtech-ad-"], :root
div[class*="AdInArticle"], :root
div[class$="dealnews"] > .dealnews, :root
div > [class][onclick*=".updateAnalyticsEvents"], :root
bottomadblock, :root
aside[itemtype=""], :root
aside[id^="div-gpt-ad"], :root
a[target="_blank"][href^=""], :root
a[style="display:block;width:300px;min-height:250px"][href^=""], :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"] + .ob_source, :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="blank"] + .ob_source, :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="blank"], :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="blank"] + .ob_source, :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='/wp-content/embed-ad-content/"], :root
a[href^=""][href*="&aff="], :root
iframe[src^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][href*="&track="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[class^="gemini-ad"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="YFBMSN"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="proadszone-"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[itemtype=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="div_openx_ad"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][href*="&track="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
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a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
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a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][href*="?affiliate="], :root
a[href^=""][href*="&affiliate="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="advads-"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
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a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.mw > #rcnt > #center_col > #taw > .c, :root
a[href^="http://taboola-"][href*="/redirect.php?app.type="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
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a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
[onclick^="'"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.ra[width="30%"][align="right"] + table[width="70%"][cellpadding="0"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.plistaList > .itemLinkPET, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""] > img, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#rhs_block .xpdopen > ._OKe > div > .mod > ._yYf, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*="/adServe/banners?"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="block-views-topheader-ad-block-"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.__y_elastic ._y_item, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="div-gpt-ad"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
A[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][href*="?affiliate="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="ads300_600-widget"], :root
div[class^="Ad__adContainer"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][href*="&tracking_code="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#content > #center > .dose > .dosesingle, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="ads120_600-widget"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.lads[width="100%"][style="background:#FFF8DD"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*="/adrotate-out.php?"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#\5f _nq__hh[style="display:block!important"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
[lazy-ad="lefttop_banner"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
ADS-RIGHT, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-oburl^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.icons-rss-feed + .icons-rss-feed div[class$="_item"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.__ywvr .__y_item, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#\5f mom_ad_12, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""] > img[src^="data"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="q1-adset-"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .rscontainer, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#flowplayer > div[style="z-index: 208; position: absolute; width: 300px; height: 275px; left: 222.5px; top: 85px;"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#resultspanel > #topads, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"][href*="/sponsored/click.html?"], :root
#center_col > #resultStats + div[style="border:1px solid #dedede;margin-bottom:11px;padding:5px 7px 5px 6px"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#mbEnd[cellspacing="0"][cellpadding="0"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
#rhs_block .mod > .luhb-div > div[data-async-type="updateHotelBookingModule"], :root
#MAIN.ShowTopic > .ad, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.inlineNewsletterSubscription + .inlineNewsletterSubscription div[class$="_item"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""][target="blank"], :root
"], :root
div[id^="advads"], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
#\5f _mom_ad_2, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
[onclick*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#main_col > #center_col div[style="font-size:14px;margin:0 4px;padding:1px 5px;background:#fff7ed"], :root
[id*="MGWrap"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.section-result[data-result-ad-type], :root
/shoutbox/sb.php?shoutbox="] + #freeshoutbox_content, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href=""], :root
a[href*="onclkds."], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
div[itemtype=""], :root
.__zinit .__y_item, :root
.ch[onclick="ga(this,event)"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
.ob_container a[data-redirect^=""], :root
#mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child, :root
a[href*="=Adtracker"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*="/cmd.php?ad="], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.ob_dual_right > .ob_ads_header ~ .odb_div, :root
a[href*=""], :root
#\5f admvnlb_modal_container, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-widget-outbrain-redirect^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-url^=""] + .author, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-url^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-obtrack^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
.__y_inner > .__y_item, :root
AMP-AD, :root
.jobs-information-call-to-action + .jobs-information-call-to-action div[class$="_item"], :root
.trc_rbox_div .syndicatedItem, :root
a[href^=""], :root
[id*="MarketGid"], :root
a[data-oburl^=""], :root
.widget-pane-section-result[data-result-ad-type], :root
#center_col > #main > .dfrd > .mnr-c > .c._oc._zs, :root
.trc_rbox_div .syndicatedItemUB, :root
.trc_rbox .syndicatedItem, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#mn div[style="position:relative"] > #center_col > div > ._dPg, :root
.rhsvw[style="background-color:#fff;margin:0 0 14px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-top:1px;"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^="//"], :root
.ra[align="right"][width="30%"], :root
.plista_widget_belowArticleRelaunch_item[data-type="pet"], :root
#main-content > [style="padding:10px 0 0 0 !important;"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.GJJKPX2N1 > .GJJKPX2M1 > .GJJKPX2P4, :root
a[href^=""], :root
.ob_container .item-container-obpd, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#topstuff > #tads, :root
a[href^=""], :root
.mw > #rcnt > #center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .c, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child + ol:last-child, :root
a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.plistaList > .plista_widget_underArticle_item[data-type="pet"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.gbfwa > div[class$="_item"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[data-redirect^=""], :root
#rhs_block > script + .c._oc._Ve.rhsvw, :root
.rscontainer > .ellip, :root
a[data-redirect^="this.href='"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.__ywl .__y_item, :root
a[href*=""], :root
#center_col > #resultStats + #tads, :root
.__yinit .__y_item, :root
[ad-id^="googlead"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.ra[align="left"][width="30%"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
AFS-AD, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#cnt #center_col > #res > #topstuff > .ts, :root
iframe[id^="google_ads_frame"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#cnt #center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .c._oc._Lp, :root
.trc_rbox_div a[target="_blank"][href^="http://tab"], :root
#rhs_block .mod > .gws-local-hotels__booking-module, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href*=""], :root
.mod > .jH + .rscontainer, :root
.GFYY1SVD2 > .GFYY1SVC2 > .GFYY1SVF5, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[target="blank"][onmousedown="this.href^='"], :root
#tads + div + .c, :root
a[href^=""][href*="&a="], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#rhswrapper > #rhssection[border="0"][bgcolor="#ffffff"], :root
.Mpopup + #Mad > #MadZone, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#ssmiwdiv[jsdisplay], :root
div[id^="ad-div-"], :root
#center_col > div[style="font-size:14px;margin-right:0;min-height:5px"] > div[style="font-size:14px;margin:0 4px;padding:1px 5px;background:#fff8e7"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#ads > .dose > .dosesingle, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#rhs_block > #mbEnd, :root
#center_col > #\5f Emc, :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="dfp-ad-"], :root
.GB3L-QEDGY .GB3L-QEDF- > .GB3L-QEDE-, :root
.rc-cta[data-target], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#rhs_block > .ts[cellspacing="0"][cellpadding="0"][style="padding:0"], :root
.GFYY1SVE2 > .GFYY1SVD2 > .GFYY1SVG5, :root
#flowplayer > div[style="position: absolute; width: 300px; height: 275px; left: 222.5px; top: 85px; z-index: 999;"], :root
#center_col > #resultStats + div + #res + #tads, :root
a[href^=""], :root
.nrelate .nr_partner, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="google_ads_iframe"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#mn div[style="position:relative"] > #center_col > ._Ak, :root
a[href^=""], :root
div[id^="dfp-slot-"], :root
.l-container > #fishtank, :root
a[href^=""], :root
#center_col > #resultStats + #tads + #res + #tads, :root
.trc_related_container div[data-item-syndicated="true"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
.trc_rbox_border_elm .syndicatedItem, :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href$="/vghd.shtml"], :root
a[href^=""], :root
a[href^=""], :root
#rhs_block > ol > .rhsvw > .kp-blk > .xpdopen > ._OKe > ol > ._DJe > .luhb-div, :root
#center_col > #res > #topstuff + #search > div > #ires > #rso > #flun, :root
p[id^="div-gpt-ad-"], :root
#assetsListings[style="display: block;"], :root
#header + #content > #left > #rlblock_left, :root
a[href*=""], :root
#content > #right > .dose > .dosesingle { display: none !important; }</style> -
A Former User last edited by
Thank you for the answser.
Indeed I haven't seen that the selector apply the current style: { display: none !important; }
This code is not added when the ad-blocked is disabled.
A Former User last edited by
i have the same problem on my ubuntu 16.04 what is it mean I what I have to do. I reinstall opera but it didn't help