Some Aspects of the Forum in Portuguese Language
Deleted User last edited by
And btw, i don't recall a tool for turning letters into all-caps.
If Opera had been able to obtain this tool from Microsoft that exists in powerpoint and word, probably would have also been available in the MyOpera forum.
Sorry, what's btw?
Now, I ask permission to enter retreat. You are too busy with more diverse topics, many of them arduous, to be spending your time with an old guy who is getting more and more displaced from the current times. Grateful.
Deleted User last edited by
Well, just because a tool is offered doesn't mean that you need or should use it all the time and/or that can use it whenever or wherever you want. There are rules for everything and "good sense" is always welcome.
I'm not focusing neither need nor power. But, yes, the stimuli offered. They were put there without any restrictive recommendation regarding its use. This was clearly a sign that there, I could use them to my will. Particularly since the stimuli have a subjective character, goes to the liking or disliking of each.
I decided to take a more forceful response, because you are very assertive and if we want to be polite, this is taken as a sign of weakness and self-sufficient dryness comes in response to what we argued about.
Deleted User last edited by
Better late than never. I apologize, I was unfair to you. I desire that these are my last words here on the Opera Forum.
Deleted User last edited by
Emails notifications for starred threads are not working again? They are not sent to me, nowadays.
pimenta0635 last edited by
porque a sincronização do navegador opera para windows não salva as minhas senhas e configurações se ela existe mais por esse motivo? Ao usar um otimizador que deleta senhas salvas, quando uso a sincronização, as senhas e configurações deveriam voltar e não volta.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
porque a sincronização do navegador opera para windows não salva as minhas senhas e configurações se ela existe mais por esse motivo? Ao usar um otimizador que deleta senhas salvas, quando uso a sincronização, as senhas e configurações deveriam voltar e não volta.
Please use English in this part off the forum. You can use the portuguese part if you prefer. Also you have posted in the wrong forum, this one is to discuss the forum itself.
Deleted User last edited by
Being member of Opera's Portuguese Forum is much more that learn about the browser. This surpasses such ambit. One receives knowledge about a lot of things around. And though thorny facts can occur eventually, at the end of some time, one perceives that has gained and ameliorated in expose ideas and, most of all, learned to get along better with people.
Deleted User last edited by
Nostalgia's time. Usual presences in the extinguished My Opera, some of them, appeared in this current Forum. From some time to here, they were vanishing. Users' names which I can recall, amongst the recent disappeared: Kari0ca, KillerZero (maybe modified to K11lerzero, or something alike) ozoratsubasa, Robsonpc, these are who I can recollect in this moment. Does Vivaldi explain?
blackbird71 last edited by
Nostalgia's time. Usual presences in the extinguished My Opera, some of them, appeared in this current Forum. From some time to here, they were vanishing. Users' names which I can recall, amongst the recent disappeared: Kari0ca, KillerZero (maybe modified to K11lerzero, or something alike) ozoratsubasa, Robsonpc, these are who I can recollect in this moment. Does Vivaldi explain?
It is possible that they've moved on to other browser brands such as Vivaldi, so that they no longer are involved here. It's also possible that normal life events have occurred in some of their lives which cause them to no longer post here. It's a reality that folks you regularly meet on forums are often known only in the context of their online postings, so when they no longer post for whatever reasons, they simply seem to 'evaporate' with no further explanation. Very often, if health problems or death occur, their family members have little or no knowledge of their forum involvements, so the poster's chain of postings simply stop all at once for no visible reason. I've often thought that life on a forum is essentially one-dimensional, compared with life in the general world; we see only a very narrow slice of a person's life, which means if other events outside that known 'slice' occur in a poster's real world, we are all mystified at what might have happened to them.
Deleted User last edited by
It is possible that they've moved on to other browser brands such as Vivaldi, so that they no longer are involved here. It's also possible that normal life events have occurred in some of their lives which cause them to no longer post here. It's a reality that folks you regularly meet on forums are often known only in the context of their online postings, so when they no longer post for whatever reasons, they simply seem to 'evaporate' with no further explanation. Very often, if health problems or death occur, their family members have little or no knowledge of their forum involvements, so the poster's chain of postings simply stop all at once for no visible reason. I've often thought that life on a forum is essentially one-dimensional, compared with life in the general world; we see only a very narrow slice of a person's life, which means if other events outside that known 'slice' occur in a poster's real world, we are all mystified at what might have happened to them.
How comprehensive you could be!As you said so completely! As for me, even though my native language was English, I could not give an answer so beautifully relevant! You pointed out some aspects that occur to me about it, but went further. Grateful to have written what you wrote, and especially as you wrote !.
Deleted User last edited by
@blackbird71 > thank you for your kind words.
You more than had deserved. I have not encountered praise words worthy of your wording.
By the way, both of us have 71 at the nickname. :wine:
Deleted User last edited by
Is Gravatar still, currently, the unique way to put an user's avatar in our profile in Opera account?
A Former User last edited by
Is Gravatar still, currently, the unique way to put an user's avatar in our profile in Opera account?
If you don't want do use one of the default ones offered, then yes, I think it is.
Deleted User last edited by
About Rules (from the Portuguese Forum header), excuse me, but how to contact someone to prevent the discussion involving us can become overly vehement? "My Opera" is no more. (First line after Rule
And to contact moderators?