Lifehacker Chrome guide
kuhlmanck last edited by
Yah, it's Gawker, and it's Chrome-specific, but a lot of it is applicable to Chopera
kuhlmanck last edited by
also see:
lem729 last edited by
It's Opera. Have some respect
But those are good resources. Right away I learned a trick. I didn't know how to put a search term in the Omnibus search bar and get it to come up in a new tab. And voila, if you go Alt enter with the search, it does that.
I put them both in my Stash. Hmmm. Stash can be useful, my man. A new feature in Opera blink. Those are links are for later study. Thanks for posting.
kuhlmanck last edited by
at work we've started to eval shifting our power users from Opera 12.xx to Chrome/Opera. Part of this will be to write up an internal transition guide on our wiki. We'll be harvesting tips from various web links once we understand WTF we're doing here. I'll post the most useful Chrome web guide we find.
lem729 last edited by
It's great. Thanks. There ought to be, like an education place on the forum, where this type of stuff is posted, and it's there -- one can easily find it. As it is, you put it in a thread, and it gets buried under a million nothings.. But I put it in my "Stash."
Which is like a cookie jar of goodies. Now not all of this stuff works in Opera, but quite a bit could be useful. For example, I saw in one of your treatises that in Chrome you can zoom in with Control 0. We can do better than that. With the advanced menu activated, we can zoom in with a 0. Also, this is why it would be good if we could do folders in Stash. It would be easier to organize this stuff under one folder.