OOH! What if the sidebars issue is the new "tab stacking issue"?!?!!
rudrick last edited by
Orrgggh! What if the sidebars issue is the new "tab stacking" aka no-show?
What else is hasbeen?
rudrick last edited by
Sidebar_s issue
The multitude. The non-compat. The unification.Thee is some 'lack of direction' missing from addon-ext devs. For example SD/SP future is an unknown void when it comes to SD/SP. I hear many SD ext's not working as there's changes under hood.
Same goes with Sidebar API. Sidebar never saw further revisits and updates post launch - perhaps it could of been made more exiting - like O12 and/or Vivaldi - that what the non dynamic EXT Sidebar is.
But Reborn Sidebar (NavBar) with addons is exiting like since O15+, vid-popup and VPN. Meh Snap is great... Stash API was great... (that was an awe lil feature).