Transfering speed dials from Firefox to Opera - Also yahoo page problem
toeknee-lightmuncher last edited by
I have just downloaded Opera because Firefox has so many issues its driving me nuts! Can I ask how to transfer speed dials from Firefox to Opera? And another issue is that I want my home page to be Yahoo without all the news and advertisements. This is the link I require to make it my home page. I hate google a it doesn't open in the next tab, it opens in the tab you asked the question or search for.¶m1=1¶m2=f%3D1%26b%3DFirefox%26cc%3Dgb%26pa%3Dwincy%26cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1QzuyEtDzz0DyD0CyB0A0C0AyByDyE0BzyzytN0D0Tzu0StCzyzyyCtN1L2XzutAtFtBzytFtAtFyByDtN1L1Czu1TtN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyEyEzzyC0B0AtD0AtGyBzyzyyEtGzz0D0EzytGtDtAyC0FtG0CtCtCtCyEzyyE0CtD0DyDzy2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SzztCzyzztC0DyB0DtGzyzy0D0CtGyEtDyB0CtGzy0C0C0BtGzzyEzy0AtA0CtB0A0BtD0Bzz2QtN0A0LzuyEtN1B2Z1V1T1S1NzutCtAtDzytB%26cr%3D374296903%26a%3Dwbf_ir_17_25%26os_ver%3D10.0%26os%3DWindows%2B10%2BHome
Thanks hope you can assist -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
how to transfer speed dials from Firefox to Opera?
Opera can import data from Firefox, just don't know if Speed Dials are included.
And another issue is that I want my home page to be Yahoo without all the news and advertisements.
There is no home page in Opera. In settings you can set a page or more to be opened when Opera starts.
To have a home page you may need to use an extension.
A Former User last edited by
The Firefox SpeedDial AddOn that I was able to migrate to Opera was Fast Dial. It keeps the dials as an ordinary folder of bookmarks. When you import data from Firefox look through the Opera sidebar favorites(the heart icon) for "other SpeedDials." If that is present you can replace the default Opera dials by deleting them all and doing a copy/paste into the Opera Speed Dial.
There is a Fast Dial for both Firefox and chrome. They both keep the dials as a folder of bookmarks. So you should be able to migrate from either browser using the copy and paste trick.