Opera 20 - Another unhappy loyal supporter
Deleted User last edited by
I'm using Opera 12 and very rarely Opera 22 since I like to use mouse gestures, so I rather use Coolnovo. 'Next' was shorthand for the new Opera with the new kernel.
Thank you for your comments, but why should I use Opera with the Chrome engine instead than any other Chrome clone out there, since I have to be equally paranoid with both? (and yes, Chrome extensions can be really really nosy).
My problem is, in Opera 22 I have to use extensions to have a functioning browser and still I don't have all the features I had with Old Opera without extensions. Not to mention options and customization, and they are very important to me.
Also I'm supposed to fiddle with third party software that can or can not be right for the feature I need, can or can not install and uninstall cleanly, can or can not be abandonware, can or can not disappear without warning, can or can not be unsafe or bugged or coded by demented monkeys or made to send my data in parts unknown. Maybe I'm paranoid but there are examples of all of this in Chrome market.
Also Chrome is made for light browsing and New Opera follows suite and their extensions are more of the same. I have hundreds of bookmarks and I like them ordered by nested folders. I also like to keep open dozens of tabs, and keep them in stacks on the right side of the screen. I like to set bars on the side of the screen or at the bottom and to choose what bars to show and what buttons go on them. There is not an extension in the green pastures of Chrome that can give me that. And if there was, I had no reason to stay with Opera rather than any other Chrome wannabe or, of course, the beast itself.
lem729 last edited by
It's your choice. But I don't see your concern about uninstall. I've never had a problem with Opera 21, uninstall with regard to any Opera or a Chrome extension, or of deactivating them. It's simple. And if the extra Opera features -- the Speed Dial with folders, Discover,Off Road Mode, Stash, etc -- don't interest you, that's your choice. Go for Coolnovo (with those mouse gesturres). All I was passing along is that I'm having no problem using extensions in Opera 19-21. Also, with Opera 22 (as of today) you can use Opera extensions, as well as Chrome extensions. The Opera extensions are vetted closely by Opera for safety, so there's even less risk with them, than with a Chrome extension. In any event, even with the Chrome extensions, they're easy enough to uninstall.
Not sure about your tab solution, lol, as you keep lots of tabs open. Many the extension TooManyTabs for Chrome would help, or OneTab.
And there are some mouse gestures extension in the Chrome Store. "Cortaud" is a nice French word for "stocky," Etes-vous francais?
drewfx last edited by
Can you give an estimate of how much such extensions would slow down the browser and clog the memory, since speed seems to be what Opera Next is supposed to offer in place of everything it used to offer?
Once you install an extension you can go to Developer Tools (I think you have enable them under More Tools first) and run Task Manager. This will tell you how much memory and other resources it is currently using. It also gives you the process ID which you can use to look at it using Windows' Task Manager if you want more detail.
alreadybanned last edited by
I'm not going to tell someone that their experience is wrong but I will add to the conversation something that seems to be rather obvious yet overlooked.
IE has been the king of web browsers and it never had extensions. The key to it's success was that it was already bundled with Windows, that it just worked and was simple to use. Chrome's success imo is a mirror of just that. Open source, extensions, anti-Microsoft, etc.. appeals to a very small demographic. The thing that all the top browsers have in common is not the ability to add 3rd party functionality but that they are American and thus are marketed with gusto and shadiness. Google, like Micorsoft, bundles Chrome with a plethora of things, essentially hijacking people's systems. Got an iPhone? then you NEED to install iTunes. Have and Android phone? then you need to get a gmail account which you might as well connect to circles and + and all that crap. So you'll excuse me if I don't think fast speeds and extension are what rule the day.
From my experience, extensions can add some much needed functionality but they do so in a way that rarely feels native to the browser. Presto had things that people didn't use and the beauty was that they didn't have to. The new thinking seems to be that a dumbed down GUI with finger painting capabilities is what people want, and I for one am glad because I think this will give birth to some new mavericks who will buck the monoculture trend and the current overall lack of creativity.(Adding a web portal and turning text items into pictures isn't what I would consider ground breaking)
Deleted User last edited by
Pretty much a load of tripe (but why doesn't that surprise me?). The Big Bad USA. The evil MS empire. The good European browser so misunderstood. Oh how wonderful Presto was but sadly... such poor marketing. What utter nonsense. Man do you need to get over yourself and wake up to reality. Thankfully Opera has done just that and it will be much better off for it in the long run ... yes, minus a few thousand whining geeks but with tens of thousands of new "average" users who couldn't care less about all the ultra configurable nature of Presto.
drewfx last edited by
wake up to reality. Thankfully Opera has done just that and it will be much better off for it in the long run ... yes, minus a few thousand whining geeks but with tens of thousands of new "average" users who couldn't care less about all the ultra configurable nature of Presto.
If we're going to talk about "reality", personally I think the reality is it was a business decision.
Presto required too big of an ongoing commitment for both maintenance, compatibility and upgrades with declining market share in a desktop market that wasn't expanding. So they decided to cut their losses and build on top of someone else's engine. Which indeed has certain advantages.
But the idea that it was done purely to create the greatest browser ever known to man or whatever is nonsense.
The question now for realists is what should happen going forward, as I don't believe Opera is going to turn back to Presto.
lem729 last edited by
From my experience, extensions can add some much needed functionality but they do so in a way that rarely feels native to the browser.>
The extensions don't feel un-native to me. I'm not even sure what that word means. It's techno-babble
to me. The one's I like feel great! And I'm happy to have them. I don't at all agree with those who think extensions weren't a major part of Firefox's success as well as Chrome's current success. Google adopted the extension model for a reason, and I don't think it was just to off-load rogue software. Lol. And I am enjoying a good number of the extensions I've added to Opera.
And drewfx, maybe Opera isn't thinking of creating, "the greatest browser ever known to man," but they are a company that wants to make money, and also, I believe they have pride in their achievements -- which have continued with the innovative Coast for Ipad. No reason to think they want to stop their work on desktop Opera. Maybe they do want to save bucks not having to develop the browser engine, but that gives them more flexibility to be creative elsewhere.
drewfx last edited by
And drewfx, maybe Opera isn't thinking of creating, "the greatest browser ever known to man," but they are a company that wants to make money, and also, I believe they have pride in their achievements -- which have continued with the innovative Coast for Ipad. No reason to think they want to stop their work on desktop Opera. Maybe they do want to save bucks not having to develop the browser engine, but that gives them more flexibility to be creative elsewhere.
Then we agree on something.
deld1ablo last edited by
leushino said something, on june 5th
Well, its not like Firefox expanded solely on IE being bad. What I remember is a several year slow push, that gave Firefox its markedshare. It really took off at some point where web devs would leave banners for "use firefox instead". But thats ancient times. And a push that used what... 8 years to achive good marked share?
Chrome got its marked share over a few months of aggressive bundles. And then it got another bump from not being terrible.
It is what it is, but meh. Thats nothing in itself. -
DarthMordred last edited by
What has caused me disappointment with Opera blink, is the lack of innovative implementation of ASA in OPERA browser. Opera Next, currently is nothing more than a google Chrome, which is updated according to the google browser.
For those who wore PRESTO feel a great sorrow to be induced using a browser so no personality like this.
In my case, I'm giving you a chance to OPERA to prove me wrong, that despite the engine being the same, we will have a OPERA with its own characteristics.
lem729 last edited by
It's not Google Chrome. It has distinct characteristics. But this argument is getting tired . . . Let's move on!
DarthMordred last edited by
It's not Google Chrome. It has distinct characteristics. But this argument is getting tired . . . Let's move on!
I mean the really remarkable characteristics that make a totally different browser than another (Chrome).
And I'm using the new OPERA at a time, and waiting anxiously for implementations that made the famous Opera. This is the reason we're here now believing that Opera will be able to maintain its characteristics with this new engine. -
lem729 last edited by
It's not Google Chrome. It has distinct characteristics. But this argument is getting tired . . . Let's move on!
I mean the really remarkable characteristics that make a totally different browser than another (Chrome).
And I'm using the new OPERA at a time, and waiting anxiously for implementations that made the famous Opera. This is the reason we're here now believing that Opera will be able to maintain its characteristics with this new engine.>It's okay, what you say, but you have to enjoy what is, right now. Focusing on tomorrow all the time is a recipe for misery. Right now, at this precise moment, I still enjoy this browser, Opera 22, with its unique and for me wonderful speed dial (with folders), and some of the other features -- Discover, Stash, Turbo mode -- that distinguish it from Chrome more than Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. If I enjoyed any of the other browsers more than Opera, I'd be using them right now instead of Opera. And I recommend that test for anyone. Use the browser you enjoy more right now! Don't be a martyr waiting for something. Yes, one hopes Opera will keep making it better. I understand it's a work in progress, and requires reprogramming a new engine, which is not an insubstantial task. And there's reason to trust the longterm excellence of Opera. But still, the test is for now. And if you're here because you enjoy it more than the other browsers now, focus on the things you enjoy about it, so you're not suffering in the waiting.
BTW, I was just on this site reading about Firefox 29, and all of the complaints about the Chromification of Firefox. They've got an extension icon bar now that looks like Chrome, except the icons are so small, I can hardly see them. Those extension icons in Firefox make the Opera extension icons look reasonable, almost big, at least in my Windows 7.
mccujo last edited by
Opera 21 and now 22 are a disappointment. I appreciate the improved speed and compatibility, but I am most definitely disenchanted with the problems Sigza mentioned . Further, I dislike the single menu system, it saves no spaces and is slower to use. Worse, the superior customising options that once made Opera stand out from the crowd are gone. In addition to that, updates are now forced as automatic. So, let me make one thing very clear:
This is my computer, not yours
I’ll repeat that as it is vital that software companies understand and get their arrogant heads out of their behinds.This is my computer, not yours.
Your arguments that it’s for my benefit are not compelling. I am not a moron and even if I were, it’s still my computer. You are outside your rights to impose your ideals and wants on others.
If you want to maintain your customer base, take note. I’ve been a loyal support of Opera for over 15 years, but I can no longer recommend Opera and as things stand, I probably won’t be here much longer.
Fix it.
Deleted User last edited by
@ mccujo Your whining posts are turning into spam. You posted this same message in another closed thread. Follow the rules.
lem729 last edited by
You say you've been a loyal supporter of Opera for 15 years. Well, I see you just joined the forum on May 24. Lol. We have so many people with complaints about Opera, claiming a long and loyal relationship with Opera. Welcome to the forum. And where have you been? In terms of whether you'll be here much longer or not, use the browser you like most. I'm using Opera 22 because I really enjoy it. If I enjoyed another browser more, I'd use that. And what I suggest for you is exactly that. No need for angry posts. Opera is a business. This is a free product. They don't owe you anything, so don't get angry with crude "heads out of their behinds" references. If you don't like Opera 22, move on. If you like enough of Opera 22 so that right now, you still prefer it to the other browsers, focus on what you like about it, and relax. Either the glass is half filled or it's half empty. See it as half-filled and you'll be happier for it.
If you have good ideas for improvements, go to the wish-list/suggestions forum.
DarthMordred last edited by
It's not Google Chrome. It has distinct characteristics. But this argument is getting tired . . . Let's move on!
I mean the really remarkable characteristics that make a totally different browser than another (Chrome).
And I'm using the new OPERA at a time, and waiting anxiously for implementations that made the famous Opera. This is the reason we're here now believing that Opera will be able to maintain its characteristics with this new engine.>It's okay, what you say, but you have to enjoy what is, right now. Focusing on tomorrow all the time is a recipe for misery. Right now, at this precise moment, I still enjoy this browser, Opera 22, with its unique and for me wonderful speed dial (with folders), and some of the other features -- Discover, Stash, Turbo mode -- that distinguish it from Chrome more than Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. If I enjoyed any of the other browsers more than Opera, I'd be using them right now instead of Opera. And I recommend that test for anyone. Use the browser you enjoy more right now! Don't be a martyr waiting for something. Yes, one hopes Opera will keep making it better. I understand it's a work in progress, and requires reprogramming a new engine, which is not an insubstantial task. And there's reason to trust the longterm excellence of Opera. But still, the test is for now. And if you're here because you enjoy it more than the other browsers now, focus on the things you enjoy about it, so you're not suffering in the waiting.
BTW, I was just on this site reading about Firefox 29, and all of the complaints about the Chromification of Firefox. They've got an extension icon bar now that looks like Chrome, except the icons are so small, I can hardly see them. Those extension icons in Firefox make the Opera extension icons look reasonable, almost big, at least in my Windows 7.You are right. I should look for another browser that pleased me at the moment. And I was thinking to use Firefox, and be watching the development of Opera Blink. There are things that work in Firefox, it does not work in Opera, such as HTML5 Player on youtube.
I'm not saying that Blink Opera is a great browser, and has everything to be the best. But currently is not.
lem729 last edited by
Exactly. For you, that's the thing to do. Good luck. And maybe after using Firefox for a while -- lol -- you'll have more of an appreciation for the faster Opera 22 (still a browser being refined) but with the world's greatest Speed Dial. Now Firefox is very much an extensions browser, so the exposure you got to extensions with the new Opera should be good preparation for that. I'm not knowledgeable on this HTML 5 ussue and You Tube -- whether Opera is lacking there or not. But you have to decide the feature or features that are important for you