set your own default search engine Opera for desktop
paulvscherpenseel last edited by
I know the discussion has been before but I can't find the thread: why is it not possible to define your standard search engine in Opera for desktop? I cherish the possibility to use alternate search engines by prefixing an abbreviation, but I do not want google as my default search engine and find it tiresome to prefix each search with an abbreviation. Firefox for instance allows the user to set his/her own default search engine, why not Opera too? I'm pretty sure many people would welcome the possibility to set ones own default search engine, especially if you want to search without google or another company logging all your moves.
zalex108 last edited by
Since Opera Became Opera Blink (Chromium, Google...) it seems they are stuck in some contractual payment to "the big G" can be seen in the browser deficiencies...
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
luctur last edited by
You can set any of the pre-configured search engines as the default one.
Unfortunately, it seems DuckDuckGo can't select the local version of its search engine even in a localized installation of Opera.
I have to add a custom search entry with language parameters in order to use it in my native language (Italian). And since I cannot set it as default, I've always to use a keyboard shortcut at any search, otherwise DDG uses the English version.
It's one of those little thing that annoys me as hell.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Unfortunately, it seems DuckDuckGo can't select the local version of its search engine even in a localized installation of Opera.
It seems to work here. At least I see the option to show results from my country.
Anyway, it's not the subject of discussion here.