{Opera Mail 1.0} How can I change location of Opera Mail storage directory?
guidoruzzier last edited by
No, that went automatically and everything is OK. Kindly read my message of April 7, at the head of this Discussion, and my other questions. I would welcome your suggestions, if you have any. Thx!
guidoruzzier last edited by
I had tried that before, knowing that the slash < / > I had used could have been the wrong one, and that I should probably have used < \ >, but it hadn't helped.
I was thinking that maybe the instruction < Mail Root Directory=G:\Opera Mail > should go under some heading other than "Mail" in < operaprefs.ini >, and/or that my < Opera Mail > file should be transferred from < C:\Utenti\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera Mail > to a different place than just < G:\Opera Mail >.
I haven't tried to create a folder < G:\Opera|Opera Mail > - do you think that could do the trick?
Thanks! -
guidoruzzier last edited by
Nothing, now: I even deleted the empty folder with that name that I had created.
Thank you for taking so much trouble - it's the first time ever that I cannot solve such a stupid problem, by myself or with the help of some nice person like you...
Most of what I found in forums etc. refers to Opera's old mail program, and I have noticed that there are a lot of perplexed users around, now that there's Opera Mail. -
guidoruzzier last edited by
Thx. This is what it looks like:
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\operaprefs.ini
Sessione salvata
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\sessions\autopera.win
Cartella di Opera
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail
Cartella della posta
C:\Users\Guido\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mailI suppose I should work on < Cartella della posta >, since that's where my stuff presently resides. If it's so, which < Opera Mail > folder should I remove, to be placed into < G:\Opera Mail >? The first or the second? In other words, the final result should be:
G:\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail
or just
G:\Opera Mail\mail ?Thx again, and good night!
guidoruzzier last edited by
That sounds better. I'll work on it in the next days, and than I'll come back and tell you.