Video WiIl Not Play Opera 39
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
it seems to me there MIGHT be a way for me to get Opera to "see" those extensions by overwriting the now empty (or missing) extension folders.
Go to the extensions manager, turn on 'Developer mode' and click on 'Load unpacked extension'.
In the dialogue window, look for the extension folder in the old profile and select the (sub)folder with the version number. Click 'OK'.
It should 'import' the extension into the new profile.
bbildman last edited by
Ok, when I 'Load unpacked extension' I get a message, "Failed to load extension" "Manifest file is missing or unreadable" "could not load manifest"
I assume I click on the "Extensions" folder, because there are a few other folders that have the name "extension" in them..."Extension Rules" "Extension State" and another couple FILES, "Extension Cookies" "Extension Cookies-Journal"
bbildman last edited by
Leo, I continue to do that and still get a cannot load because one of the files in the numbered folder within the extensions director is named metadata (cannot load files with "" because they are reserved for use by the system.
bbildman last edited by
Tried that, deleting _metadata, yes it "loads" finally, but even though it shows in the Extension Manager, it does not diaplay on the address bar. Back to square one, still trying to find out why I cannot import my extensions.
I guess if I have to, I can try to install ALL the extensions I have in the original Opera install, but that is a LOT of work, in addition trying to remember ALL the option settings in each.
bbildman last edited by
I ran Opera with an empty Opera Stable directory.
Copied my bookmarks file(s) from the old directory to this one. Got my Speed Dials copied from "Other Speed Dials"...which became available when the bookmarks were copied there.
Installed individually each extension I had before, which when install were lacking ANY option settings. I then copied ALL the folders (only folders) from the old setup to the new Opera Stable and everything now works, don't ask my how I came up with this, but it worked.
Thanks guys
(While I'm here, is there any way to reorder the extensions shown to the right of the address bar??)
bbildman last edited by
Thanks, Leo.
Another minor issue has popped up in my new iteration of Opera thatI worked on.
Each time I open and close Opera, in the Opera Stable folder I get a new file, written...for instance named::
ssdfp4172.0.418148836Etc etc.
Each of those files, when opened with Notepad, are exactly the same::
"// J5yyUOS5yulYH5odqWarzshUuQpSMpucSwgOimXKGGg=
{"Extensions":{"ActiveExternalExtensionsInfo":{"ciboebddidackjicoeoiigdnbmchkdll":"1.5.1606","ghgabhipcejejjmhhchfonmamedcbeod":"8.9.3","gicpnnockilhclmgekhdnnjokdmlfhmk":"1.3","jgandipoihcbegfmadfblgjghjgigpfd":"3.1","mbniclmhobmnbdlbpiphghaielnnpgdp":"6.1.7","plcgkgghkdfgfhiidfjkhmainebgmklf":"1.2.1"},"ActiveWebstoreExtensionsInfo":{"bbkekonodcdmedgffkkbgmnnekbainbg":"","bpmgfnikhlpakdkeeahboleoommganka":"3.7","cnbpedcoekjafichoehopgaaldogogch":"0.11.11","gbekmpnpfkkijbodegokaigmhedbbkmg":"1.6","ggfngijafepjalmbhefafhdeedobcdbf":"","jikibpedldihacokaanimbcjipghbloo":"","kipjbhgniklcnglfaldilecjomjaddfi":"2.2.5","phahnhbgfdhgobenebnjbgmacgpbfaag":""},"BlacklistedExtensionsInfo":{},"CVBlockedExtensionsInfo":{},"CVUnverifiableExtensionsInfo":{}}}"What is going on with this?? Am I going to have to visit this folder and continue to delete these files? Looks to me Opera doesn't like one of my extensions, or is it something else?
Actually if I look at that content, all the numbers listed are version #s of some of my extensions, why is Opera not liking those extensions??
I may have to go back to square one, and just do without videos on nbcnews and espn.
sevenoranges last edited by
When I watch Opera crashes in 1 or 2 minutes.
I 've found out the solution.
1.Clean up (DUST) the Computer hardware especially Fans, CPU mount area and RAM Bus lines2.Go to Setting__ Websites-----Plug-ins and disable Crome PDF viewer and Adobe flash Player.
ENABLE the Widevine Content Decryption Module. Check mark to Detect and run important plug-in content (recommended)
3. (A) Go to Manu-----Extension ------manage extension ---get extension-- get FlashPlayer for YouTube
(B) Back to Manage extension-----Switch to FlashPlayer for YouTube
*****Do not tip or give check mark to Allow in private mode and Allow access to file URL
- Menu---Setting--Block add check mark, video pop out, and pop ups.
It works for every on lines video for me
Actual result: , You tube video streaming takes just a second. No more Opera crashes. Enjoy all the you tube videos.
Version information
Version: 40.0.2308.62 - Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 7 32-bit
Browser identificationMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.101 Safari/537.36 OPR/40.0.2308.62