Permanent Find-Box for Page Searches?
imno007 last edited by
Hi. I'd just like to know if there's a way to open a find-box in Opera, to search a page, that doesn't require constantly clicking Ctrl-F. As it is now, this is the only way I know of to search a page in the browser, and you have to keep doing it for every new page and tab. I thought I'd get used to after a while - doesn't seem to be that big a deal, right? - but if anything I'm getting increasingly annoyed with it. Maybe I use this function much more than most people, but I often find myself having to constantly click ctrl-f, over and over and over. I'd just like it to stay open across pages and tabs the way way it does with Firefox, until I choose to close it. Is there a way to do this within the browser, or an addon that will allow it? TIA!
imno007 last edited by
So...I'm guessing it just isn't possible? Either that or no one here can be bothered to type a few words to put me out of my misery?
imno007 last edited by
I did, leocg, but didn't stumble across anything. Pretty sure at this point that, because of this and a couple other small but constant annoyances with Opera, I probably won't be sticking with it much longer. Thanks for replying, though.
rayandrews last edited by
I just upgraded in Linux and that is worse than before. It used to be that, yes, the 'find' box was constantly disappearing but at least when you brought it back, it had the same text in it. Now, it's always blank. How very stupid that this can't be changed, I don't know how anyone can put up with it. There are things to like about Opera, but this is so frustrating that I will probably uninstall.