Can I add Url directly into bookmark.ini Older Opera
emc last edited by
Apparently, the bookmark I added into Opera v.11 always L-O-S-T !!!!!!!
I know there could have been many reasons such as I did not shutdown Opera correctly...etc..etc.
Could you please tell me if it is acceptable for Opera ( v.11.xx ) to let me copy paste to it's bookmark.ini & if anything I should pay attention during I am doing it ?
Thank you
Edmond, -
A Former User last edited by
Bookmarks are stored in the bookmarks.adr file on Presto Opera, not bookmarks.ini.
It is a plain text file, and each bookmark's entry looks like this -#URL ID=837 NAME=Kelkoo URL= CREATED=1455655279 DESCRIPTION=compare, sale, buy, cheapest UNIQUEID=6846F2AB3BD3F241AA5BA2D350577F34
You could try adding one manually to the file, but I'm not sure what you would do about the "UNIQUEID" entry, and I have no idea where it would appear in the bookmarks structure!
As always, try it and see, but make sure you backup the bookmarks file first!
emc last edited by
but I'm not sure what you would do about the "UNIQUEID" entry, and I have no idea where it would appear in the bookmarks structure!
Thank you very much Dave !!
And this is exactly what I'm afraid of......
Thanks again!!
emc last edited by
Anyone who have better solution please ......?
I want to see if I can manually add bookmark to bookmark.ini but I'm uncertain if it will damage the structure of bookmark.ini
Thank you very much.
edmond -
emc last edited by
Hello ,
Would any of you please explain me if I can add bookmark " MANUALLY FROM WITH-IN FILE bookmark.adr " ?
As I constantly lost bookmarks ( Opera not remember what I added ) due to in-proper close down Opera.
So that I need the method "BADLY"................
( I put the bookmark.adr in Google drive to sync across different of my computers with Opera installed )
Thank you very much.
edmond -
lando242 last edited by
It is a bad idea to have your bookmarks file on Google Drive. You should always have it on the local machine. Any kind of improper shutdown or internet failure can cause the file to have issues. If you want to sync your bookmarks you should use Opera's sync feature.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Adding manually isn't so hard. What Dave has is correct as far as it goes (Opera should add Uniqueid when it resaves the file). Created is an internet time (that is, seconds since midnight 1/1/1970) as is Visited - but if you leave out Visited it will be added when you visit the site.
Mind you, the filename is bookmarks.adr, not .ini ...
emc last edited by
Adding manually isn't so hard.
Done it, so far so good. ( Thanks much & thanks Dave also ........ )
How I can control in file of ' bookmark.adr ' at the same time when I am in-putting URL to also locate the URL to a specific folder already in bookmark ?
See below , say I already have folder name ' Opera ' in bookmark , what to add on below in bookmark.adr in order to put below URL to folder name ' Opera ' ?
Opera Hotlist version 2.0
Options: encoding = utf8, version=3#URL
NAME=Opera Community
UNIQUEID=7D14BB7166AFCB2546C397E23AC852AEThank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
How to protect the manually in-put bookmark item ?
I made it yesterday but I found it is gone again from bookmark.adr
It appears that after the bookmark.adr sync across in Google drive to some of my machines the bookmark item is disappeared.
Is there way to make sure item I manually in-putted not being overwrite or complete delete ?
Thank you very much.
edmond. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I don't know what your sync process is, you need some way to compare the dates to see which file needs to be used.
Folders are listed in the file - I'm sure you've observed them. A folder starts with the actual folder item, and continues until an unmatched end of folder marker (a line containing only a hyphen "-") is found. Unmatched meaning there wasn't another folder item which that end of folder marker would belong to. Easiest way - add it right after the folder item for the folder you want to put it in.
emc last edited by
Hi Sgunhouse ,
Hope I do above is acceptable to Opera by copy & paste & adding new ID number to create my new bookmark item.
I consider last item from bookmark.adr is the latest ID sequence number so I can add +1 on every new bookmark I'm going to manually create. ( For this one I've +1 to 15784 as my new bookmark )
Next time in future, How that I know the latest ID as you can see I put the last item to FOLDER and no longer is in the end of the bookmark.adr.
Is ID important and need to be always in sequences ?
Thank you very much.