Opera and Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13
kraznet last edited by
I've been using Dragon Naturally Speaking for many years. For those who don't know it's a voice to text program.
Just recently probably the last 2-3 months I've noticed a problem with it in Opera. When DNS13 is not active or running Opera is fine. But as soon I launch DNS13 the Opera GUI becomes black.I can make it return to normal by clicking on one of my extension icons at the top right of Opera.This problem only occurs when I open Opera for the first time.Subsequent tabs or new windows are not affected. It's probably a somewhat obscure problem but I thought I would post it here because it is annoying. I'm using Opera 39 with Windows 10 x64 home edition.
Martin -
kraznet last edited by
Here's a screenshot of how it looks whnn dragon Naturally Speaking is running.
100pas last edited by
As anyone found a solution to this??
I cannot use Opera at all when I have Dragon Naturally Speaking Open - just all Black Screens
A real pain
Need a solutions asap
rrhodes773 last edited by
Me too. Maybe someone will come up with the answer and let the rest of us know. Has anyone written them? If I can find where to write< I will do so.
A Former User last edited by
I have the same problem. Anyone got a fix to this? This isnt a dragon problem, its an Opera problem. Dragon works fine but Opera wont start for me and just has a single black screen with no content.
paws4disabled last edited by
I just had the same thing happen and all i did was uninstall and reinstall opera