Opera 38 - strange downloading behaviour
wawro01 last edited by
Looks like Opera 38 will restart download when can't delete temp opdownload file, even when download is 100%. It happens when for example you are downloading movie in mp4 and want to watch it at same time, so you will open temp file for example in VLC. Instead of failing download and leaving opdownload file (which containts all data), opera will restart download again and again
lando242 last edited by
Do not open download inside another program when Opera is trying to download it. When it tries to finalize the file it probably gets an in use error and doesn't know what to do with it.
wawro01 last edited by
Yes thanks for GREAT advice, used to do that with all versions of Opera and it worked perfectly. In that case, old opera just didn't delete temp file and download was successfully finished. Now in a latest version, download will be restarted.
Deleted User last edited by
I have the same problem. I also used to watch the movies while they were downloading. This was nice feature.
At least they could add some option into opera://flags but I didn't find anything relevant there.
wawro01 last edited by
Yes it was nice feature and instead of calling it bug, they told you dont use it