Youtube videos missing quality options
horta254 last edited by
Some videos on youtube are lacking all options except 360p. Not all of them. Tried stopping adblock and it didn't work. Used explorer and worked no problem. Anyone knows whats happening?
lando242 last edited by
It might be that your system doesn't have the necessary codex needed to run the higher resolution. Are you running an older OS like Vista or XP?
horta254 last edited by
no actually... Running 8.1 Pro N but i would suppose it's not that since not all videos have only 360p resolution. It's probably something on opera thats missing or wrong on my pc since this only happens on opera
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Running 8.1 Pro N
I may be wrong but I guess the problem is that you are using the N version of Windows.
If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't come with the necessary resources to play certain codecs and so Opera can't play them as Opera relies on the OS to play those codecs.
chronojean last edited by
I've no changed nothing in opera 42 las week i was able to watch youtube videos in HD now i only see 360 option. Why?