Suggestion for Opera for Windows F.A.Q and Posting Guide
nei1 last edited by
In one of my extension settings, I clicked on the Options button, which opened a webpage named "whereismyopera." Apparently, the button I clicked on was supposed to open, or something like that, which no longer exists.
The webpage whereismyopera provides 3 links: News, Forum, or Be Social. Hopefully, one of them will get you whatever you clicked the Options button for.
So, here I am. Howdy, Forum. "Forum" seemed like the best option when looking for Support.
I would like to see the "Opera for Windows F.A.Q." add a sticky for "Where Is My.Opera." Add some warm-and-fuzziness by acknowledging that people have come to the right place for support with their extensions. Also, what happened to the options that were supposed to be adjustable by coming to which no longer exists?
It might also be helpful to have some sub-headings under Opera for Windows, for instance a subheading for Extensions support.
Best luck,