My Opera Community - SHUT DOWN - Information required by OPERA staff / officer in charge!!
A Former User last edited by
Your fault. An email was sent to the address that you used to register at My Opera. Even if it was not sent, it would still be your fault for not backing up data. If you did not back it up, clearly it was not important to you.
You should have read the terms of service
Opera reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services (or any part thereof) with or without notice. User agrees that Opera shall not be liable to User or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Services.
alamnasri last edited by
Why My Opera community has been closed? My three photo albums was created on My Opera Community. Please soon open My Opera web and restore our created photo albums. Thank you
A Former User last edited by
Notifications there were.
When you need your blogs/photos, there are still possibilities. Yahoo! (& maybe Google) offer(s) certain options within their search results: if you get how to search for your late features via such a search service, you will possibly be able to retrieve a cache version of your desired item(s) -- those caches seem not to be updated every day, that way I got a friend's blog which seemed to present its content from quite a past moment of time - maybe a couple of months or more. So hurry - while this is still available.
justinhaynes last edited by
This is the second time an email provider has shutdown, first it was lavabit now myopera... I learned my lesson, I bought my own domain name and I'm going to use a personal VPS so companies can no longer do this to me. I learned, pretty much Opera has made me turn away from them, and ruined their reputation. I will never suggest Opera or anything ran by them again to friends or relatives.
I had important accounts assigned to it such as PSN, steam, and couple of others which took me a phone call for one service which was assigned to that email account. Yes, that was my fault for trusting a company like Opera which I thought was a better alternative to Google since of the newer surveillance information. Plus, I didn't like Google scanning my emails to personalize ads.
The TOS, yes, I am aware. They could have done better, and I didn't check my email daily and sometimes I used thunderbird without checking the first page and I never received a warning. Want to know how I found out what emails I had? I had to read my browsing history. After I heard about facebook trying to acquire it, and then them shutting down my email without me noticing (yeah probably my fault, they could have done better) I decided to switch to an open source browser like firefox.
wendy000 last edited by
could i do something to get my blog back? they are so important to me ..!! please!!!
Deleted User last edited by
could i do something to get my blog back? they are so important to me ..!! please!!!
No, but you can try to find it at Enter the URL to your blog and you may find something.
please help
Please read my advice for wendy000, that may help you.
svsc last edited by
Unfortunately no reply yet from Opera officially on this forum. - since 18 March. Also no reply by official headquarter in Norway - via EMAIL !!
No possibility to get back photos via an archive tool - since blog was set privately!
So what is left now? a big black whole of nothing?Terms?
What kind of terms? I cannot remember that I have agreed to any terms while having registered for it.
I wonder about the legal terms Opera got to face when it comes to incidents like that - when several thousands user got to face the same problem - claiming that no notification was sent.
And it was none sent...
Steps got to be taken now.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
As with most websites, by registering you confirmed that you agreed to the terms of service - whether you read them or not. You did have the opportunity to read them before agreeing (unlike some commercial software licenses where you legally agree to the terms by opening the package), so there is little legal room for argument.
bioscoopfan last edited by
It's easily said "you accepted the TOS... etc." but it's not about that... but a sort of "decency" from a company owing a great deal of contribution from his users - especially community; so it's a minimum to expect that you as part of the community gets a notification by e-mail because they had your address on your account. Some companies send even several notifications.
at least 1 e-mail should have been sent but there was NOT ANY!
And if it's no use then at least should have been backed up somewhere retrievable for later download if not showing anymore the actual site to the public.
Some users like me have used it as a gallery/diary/showcase etc. and therefore we didn't have to check the state because we TRUSTED this company to be rich enough to keep the community pages.
This is a kind of disgrace.... -
A Former User last edited by
An email was sent to the address that you used to sign up to My Opera.
If you did not receive it that is your tough luck. There may be many reasons for that, but it's not Opera's responsibility to check with every one of its 16 million registered members to see if they received the email.
Get real, and learn from your mistake. Next time you sign up for something, read the TOS and take personal responsibility for backing up your data. If it's important to you, then you will make a backup. If you did not, you have no one to blame but yourself.
baltosilver last edited by
That is so wrong to Just shut down the email i to use my email for lots of things and now I can't even get into it any more.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
how I am find my photo album and how I find
Try and serach for my.opera/com/youusername
Deleted User last edited by has a lot of information on how to recover most of your public data (blog posts, photo albums, favorites, old forum posts, etc.) Keep in mind that it's possible we weren't able to get a copy of your data in time if it was uploaded AFTER your profile had already been saved; we also missed about 3988 profiles out of the 16 million. Of course, private data (emails, files that weren't publicly shared, etc.) were not saved by ArchiveTeam.
Edit: In your case, take a look at: