Opera Mini 12 for iOS released!
MG39 last edited by
Hello everyone!
It’s time for the release of Opera Mini 12 for iOS! This time, we’ve released simultaneously with our friends in the Opera Coast team (http://www.opera.com/mobile/coast)
It has been a couple of months since the last update, but we have been busy. The feature list includes integration of Speed Dial entries into spotlight search on iOS 9, as well as quick access to your four first Speed Dial entries using 3D touch on the application icon for all iPhone 6S and 6S Plus users.
We have also turned our attentions to performance in the tab gallery and have made speed improvements there. This major rewrite should also improve the startup time, while also making us better prepared for further optimizations in the startup time area.
We’ve added a setting to allow for fullscreen browsing, and, for all 4/4S users, this setting is on by default.
Other improvements include easier access to private tabs, and the possibility to view your Speed Dial entries on your other devices when logged in to our synchronization service.
And, of course - last, but not least - a lovely new violet theme to go with our new logo and general company rebranding!
Check it out! The update is in available in the App Store now!
Magnus on behalf of the Opera Mini for iOS team
jmwking last edited by
I've been beta testing 12 for a while. I've had no notice of a new version from the app store updates...
o-news last edited by
Nice, it is running well. The fullscreen browsing mode is great!
A question:
If I turn off every category in the Discover feature, I still get top stories. Why is that, and is the Discover page loading data when not active.
netwolf last edited by admin
I've been beta testing 12 for a while. I've had no notice of a new version from the app store updates...
-jkSame here, and I didn't get any replies regarding the same topic in the iOS beta thread:
Product released, support died...? -
andhoc last edited by
Woo-hooo! Saved pages get their names back again. Now it's possible to rename them. Moving and rearranging the saved page works smoother, still with little glitches when moving saved page through many screens, but really better. That's fine! Thanks!
Search works now in a new more powerful way - it ignores the words order. Very handy! Thanks!
Emoji symbols still are unsearchable. Even if you type them more then three chars (minimum for search to work). That's not a big problem but a little lack of usability and easiness of keeping things right and memorable. Please pay some precious time to this if it makes sense. And please make it possible to search for two digits names — they really exist!;)
Renamed bookmarks are searchable by their new names. That's O.K.
But renamed saved pages are searchable only by their old (original, server) names even if the new name is given before saving. This happens with all saved pages: saved previously before and now after update to the latest Opera Mini version
Search engine for russian words should think the letter "ё" as letter "е" (without diacritic sign), but should not think the letter "е" as letter "ё". So, searching for word "осел" should find both variants: "осел" & "осёл", but searching for word "осёл" should find only one word "осёл". In other words the search for letter without diacritics displays all its variants: with diacritics and without!! But searching for defined diacritic variant of the letter bring only it!!
For example RU wikipedia does such search correctly -- search for words "осёл" or "осел" -- you'll see the different result pages: the first (diacritic spelling) displays only diacritic results, but the second contains results for both variants!Here are example SERPs:
осёл — https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=осёл&fulltext=Найти
осел — https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=осел&fulltext=Найти
Great thanks for all other enhancements. Breathing freely with vertical fullscreen view. And tabs scrolling is much more better now. Seems that some selecting and copying text issues are solved too. Thanks!
andhoc last edited by
Does google as a default search engine (or any other engine) get my site addresses typed into universal adress/search field in private mode? Can the search field in private mode be turned off?
Please, explain the concept of Opera Mini private mode. What is private and what still leaks.
metall0099 last edited by
I'm new to Opera. I wanted an alternative to chrome, to sync open tabs across iOS, OSX, and Android. I love the speed and interface so far, but I have had issues with open tabs on my OSX Opera showing up on my Opera mini on my iOS and vice versa. Anybody come across this issue.
metall0099 last edited by
I'm new to Opera. I wanted an alternative to chrome, to sync open tabs across iOS, OSX, and Android. I love the speed and interface so far, but I have had issues with open tabs on my OSX Opera showing up on my Opera mini on my iOS and vice versa. Anybody come across this issue.
Thanks.After doing some research I found that tabs aren't supported for iOS, only speed dial and discovery. Is there any word if this is in the making and possible coming to iOS?
daydotz last edited by
I'm having trouble with battery drain after I use this to stream mp3 in the browser window despite closing the window it seems to still use battery the only way I can stop it is to reboot my phone