== About Saved pages bug
and three old greenies.
-Random sort & losten names-
The preface: I saved about 160 pages before update, all worked o.k. i renamed them as i wished and sorted manually thematically, if you not paying attention to how difficult is to move saved pages across screens in shelf, all was normal. After update to the last stable version first 20 thumbnails lost their titles. More of this, it's now impossible to rename them, neither firs 20, neither other 140
And they are really resorted in random manner.
Opera still lets to save new pages in addition to previously saved but if you do the next you'll get a fail. Try to save new page, then
find it in the most right (last) screen of the shelf,
rename it,
move to the very beginning of the list to the first screen of the shelf,
close the saved pages shelf,
restart the browser,
Freshly saved page thumbnail jumped to the 21 position (third screen, second row) and it has no name. Wow!
Try to rename it without moving,
restart the browser.
No effect! It lost the name again.
Or Try to open any URL after renaming and restart the browser - the same thing. It is still placed to the 21 position but without name. Yoohoo!
-The second: thumbnail jumping scene-
You start the browser. There are 22 screens of the shelf with 173 saved pages. Not too much if you like to collect and aggregate some pages for researches, rewrites or later reading. Especially if you visit sites with renewable content on the similar link, some news, start pages, etc.
So you try to save the new one, doing the following:
save page (without any renaming or replacing),
open saved pages shelf,
open last screen, just to be sure that that thumbnail is there,
yes it's there! right in the end of the screen on position174 and it has web page title as a name.
Ok, you say. Now I close the browser (turn it off).
Start it again.
Open saved pages shelf..
And, hey, where it is?!
The last 174 place is taken by the previous one (what was 173).
You search the shelf, listing and discover that your freshly saved page is on the 22-nd position without name! Ahahahaha! (And it is Unrenamable.)
Ok, you say. Opera, let me save the new one just for test. Opera keeps silent it can't talk and you do the test.
Save the new one.
Open shelf.
Find and and state that it's on position number 175.
Close the browser. Open it again.
And oooops this time testing page thumbnail jump to... 45!
So, guys, this saved pages now jump as old wise frogs. They really never jump the same :)))
The third frog jumped from 176 place to the 76.
Big jump, I can say. A less long then the first one, but 100 tiles VS 130 is not so bad for old greeny 
I have no ideas how this happened. May be Opera evolves the frogs somehow.
Seriously, I'm asking you to make some new big improvements in saved pages design and frog jumping process :)) And please, try not to brake the order of manually sorted pages. I know, errors happen, and see you do the much, but it's so hard to rearange them again.
Thank Heavens, nothing lost. Only the titles.
Thanks for paying attention.