Possible bug - successful tab hijack from unscrupulous site
paul808 last edited by
Hi Guys,
Just an alert that I've encountered a successful tab hijack. In addition to alert messages when attempting to close a tab, suppressing those messages results in a tab that cannot be closed even without generating a pop up warning. The page attempts to launch a popup (which is blocked), but the tab does not respond. The only way to close the tab is to shut down chrome. A number of other functions seen to be blocked.
Check it out! Obviously be warned that this link is pure evil and will try to take over your browser, in addition to some fun dial-in computer assistance scamming.
[Mod edit: Made url non clickable for security reasons]
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Not sure about desktop, but I just held down the "x" on the tab and got it to close. That is to say, the browser checked the "x" again before it had a chance to display the second message. In Windows, you might also be able to close it from the taskbar popup (at least in 7).
blackbird71 last edited by
Just as a matter of principle and safety, if you ever have reason to enter a URL to a potentially dangerous site, please obfuscate the link itself. Instead of http://blah-blah-blah, always change it to something like hxxp://blah-blah-blah to make the link unclickable, even accidentally. Then note in the post that you've obfuscated it. It's just good netiquette practice...