Please help me, test this site for me?
featheredleader last edited by Oct 3, 2015, 6:37 AM
I've been having problems getting the NHL site to load under Opera 32 on my home computer in Windows 10. It works on my laptop, but not my computer. What's really odd, is two of the NHL team sites work but the main one won't. It starts to load, freezes without loading the pictures and graphics, and then the tab just spins.
Would someone please test this site for me, with Opera 32 and Windows 10? I only have one plug-in or extension and that is adblock plus. Disabling it doesn't help.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Oct 3, 2015, 9:29 PM
Seems to be working here.
Have you checked AV, firewall, things like that?
rolox2 last edited by Oct 3, 2015, 11:52 PM
If you have the same install on both computers and it works on one but not the other, clear the cache (run CCleaner, reboot).
The site worked fine for me but I'm using 33 beta.
featheredleader last edited by Oct 4, 2015, 12:43 AM
To:leocg: The site works in Firefox but not in Opera, wouldn't the site be blocked in both browsers if it was AV or Firewall?
To: rolox2: My husband cleared the cache, but we don't know what CCleaner is, and he rebooted.
The NHL site works fine in Firefox in Windows 10, on my home computer, it just freezes and spins and the CPU usage goes through the roof, without loading in Opera 32 on the same computer.
However, what is so weird, is that the NHL site works on my laptop in Windows 10 using Opera 32, so it's been confounding me for days. I've checked every setting on both computers to see if everything is the same, and even changing the desktop computer's resolution to match my laptop's doesn't help.
The biggest difference is that the laptop was upgraded from Windows 8.1 and the desktop was upgraded from Windows 7. Is it possible there was something in Windows 8 that the desktop needs?
The only extension/plug in we have is Adblock, and turning it on or off doesn't change anything.
Thanks for checking it out, I'm still puzzling over it.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by Oct 4, 2015, 1:25 AM
The site works in Firefox but not in Opera, wouldn't the site be blocked in both browsers if it was AV or Firewall?
Don't know, programs may (re)act different between each other.
rolox2 last edited by Oct 4, 2015, 2:02 AM
When you disable your adblocker, be sure to force refresh (usually ctrl-F5 or ctrl-reload button); otherwise it may still use the adblocked version stored in cache. Alternatively, you could disable adblocker, clear cache, exit, launch, try loading the page (you want to exit because cache is also in memory).
CCleaner is pretty much the only temp file cleaner that won't cause problems and isn't snake oil. It's also a lot easier than the above steps and gets other leftovers that may be causing problems (like Flash and Java caches, Windows temp files, etc.)
Product page here (free): eliminating addon issues and ensuring everything is up to date (Flash, Java, browser itself, addons), this is pretty much the next step.
leocg is correct in that your security software may handle things differently between browsers, especially if it relies on a browser extension (which all aren't available for Opera). Your security software should have logged events in which it intervened; check those (or momentarily disable it).
featheredleader last edited by Oct 4, 2015, 3:12 AM
Okay....get this.
I checked the firewall and the A/V. Nothing unusual there.
Then I tried loading a different page in the NHL site,
And would you believe that one works?
What I want it to run for is to show me the games and scores in real time across the top, and it appears on every essentially, I got it working, even though the Home page still freezes and refuses to load.
Talk about weird. Could it be something on the NHL Home page that is causing Opera to freeze? It runs a slide show, but so do the Ducks and the Sharks, and they both run from Home page.
Ah well, I have a temporary fix, but I hope I can get the Home page to work soon.
featheredleader last edited by Oct 4, 2015, 3:36 AM
Okay, this is weirder yet.
I went from the scores page on NHL to the home page on NHL, and the NHL site ran.
However, loading it cold again froze it. Then I realized I had the zoom at 125%, on the scores page, so I loaded the NHL site at zoom 125% and surprise, it loaded! So did the sites for the Penguins, Blues, Sharks, Ducks and Coyotes!So the Home page works if I load it at 125% but freezes at 100% but can be taken down to 100% after loading it and it still works, but the words are crammed together more, so the zoom factor is a good idea.
I thought initially it was a problem with my resolution, because I have a CRT monitor and use resolution of 800 X 600 so I can see. But earlier tests ran on the NHL site changing that resolution to a higher one failed to produce any result.
Oddly enough, zooming does the trick. I have absolutely no idea why. But my goal was to get this fixed before the regular season starts on October 8th, and it looks like I found a fix!
If anyone has a theory as to why this worked, feel free to enlighten me.
I have no clue!Brenda
rolox2 last edited by Oct 5, 2015, 2:03 PM
Did you change DPI settings in Windows? That usually reeks havoc on software.
800x600 could also be a problem. It may be best to run your monitor's normal resolution and use the zoom feature in the browser when needed.
I would highly recommend getting an LED or LCD monitor if at all possible for three reasons: crisper display and a size upgrade for far easier reading and operating cost: LxD monitors consume about 1/3 the power of CRTs and generate less heat.