Download folder on my SD card
lonnieds last edited by
(Opera Mobile Version 30.0.1856 on Samsung Note 4 running Android 5.0.1) Does anyone know how/if I can set my Downloads folder on my SD card? I've tried and it won't select an existing folder nor will it allow me to create a new folder.
Deleted User last edited by
Any ideas?on my lg gpad 8.0 root and stock rom android 4.4.2 i can change direction of saving files to sd card and it work, even after close and restart app.
ivaroeines last edited by
Dont think you can change storage folder for Opera for Android(without logging on as root), because of this i think is just a waste space on a Android device. I have used Opera as my main browser for 15 years, I will most likely end my Opera use as i think this should be easy "fix" but Opera jut dont bother. I am quite mad and I have been known for fight lost causes, I also boycott websites that use Adobe Flash because Adobe make Flashplayer for Android.
I do hope that people follow my lead, then things may change.