How can I determine page size?
james438 last edited by
How can I use Opera to determine how large a page is? For example is it 1MB or 10MB? How can I use Opera to determine how fast a given page is loading? xx kb/s or xx MB/s?
james438 last edited by
found it. Go to web page right click and inspect element. Click on Network tab. Reload the page. Click "all". Just below the list of items retrieved you will see a line of stats. For pcgamer (with adblock) the page loaded in 3.88 seconds with 1.6MB transferred.
I'm now looking to see if I can get a better way of listing the loading speed.
cratte last edited by
This is still actual!
Page size or info is still missing.
A Opera status bar at the bottom is also still mssing where it could be displayed.But you can work around with Google Chrome extensions: size?_category=extensionsInstall them in Opera with help by this addon: is more