Opera identify Gmail as a phish site
Deleted User last edited by
Hello, when I try to enter the Gmail or something from Google which sign in is needed I got this
Please fix this
Deleted User last edited by
Thanks man, I'll do something better
I'll just go back to the Chrome. Really some random guy could add site like Gmail to phishing list? Opera wake up look at company with who u make a deal.
Deleted User last edited by
opera comes off as either completely petty, or completely incompetent .... or really both, with this moronic stunt.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
accounts.google.com now marked as Fraud Website by Phishtank
Yep, this seems to be the cause of the problem discussed on this topic. Google's login page somehow was included in some ant-pishing/anti-malware database.
zjeeoupe last edited by
On the PhishTank warning page click "ignore" and you're good, but it will reappear with each new browsing session --- at least until PhishTank takes Google off its list.