Can I ask Opera (v.11.xx) to do something at a specific time every day ?
emc last edited by
Hello ,
Can I ask Opera everyday at 3:00 pm. to do 1 of my custom action I have already in my standard_menu.ini or from my standard_keyboard.ini ?
Just trying to see if Opera accept this control on a ' time specific ' instruction given.
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
A Former User last edited by
Do you want to open up a specific website at a specified time each day ?
What do you want Opera to do ?
emc last edited by
Hello ,
I want Opera to FOCUS on 1 of my label , open the label , everyday 3:00 p.m.
Opening website I can do with Window build-in ' Task Scheduler ' program & works perfectly.
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
A Former User last edited by
Opening a TAB is ok - but WHY ? - What is being loaded in this tab at 3 p.m. each day ?
Do you want to open a specific website at 3 p.m. & that website processes something ?
emc last edited by
Thanks !
Actually , I have a sequence of action already set :
Edit properties
& delay, 900
& Close window
& delay, 900
& Next item
& Edit properties
& delay, 900
& Close window
& delay, 900
& Next item
& Edit properties
& repeat again all above for few times....................
It is because Opera labels always not update the mail item inside the label. Opera needs the label to be open and closed again in order to show all the mails inside the label to avoid missing.
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
I am okay to open a website at 3:00 p.m. everyday as I use the Window Task Scheduler to make it.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
You should say, older Opera version was a great one which allows / gives user infinity customization base on what user needs...............
edmond -
stng last edited by admin
Replied here: should say, older Opera version was a great one which allows / gives user infinity customization base on what user needs...............
Yes. Old Opera is the gold tool.