Old Opera - M2 right click menu custom setting need advise.
emc last edited by
Hi ,
I want to make an action to :
in Received view.
Open the label ( see botton of the label I want to open )
Open this label next to the received view. ( so that Received view remain open in it's own tab )
This is the label :
[Index 4829]
Name=9. Index/Session/Opera
Parent Id=1600000004
Mirror Id=0
Special Use Type=7
Account Id=0
Model Type=0
Model Age=5
Model Flags=253
Sort Type=0
Selected Message=304954
Update Frequency=10800
Last Update Time=0
Skin Image=Mail Filter
Search Text=64bit Opera index
Search Field=2
Search Current Message=0
Search Start Date=0Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
A) I want to put it on my right click context menu & ask opera do this :
Clone tab ( I am in the Mail 'Received' )
C) Go to 1 of my specific labels ( I have 10+ of labels )
D) click the labels & open it.
The thing is , my left pane labels will add sometime more labels or will delete some labels. ( so that I need a command I can go straight to my desire / specific label ) I understand & I know in index.ini each label has it's own "I.D." so that I wonder what is the command I can use.Sorry for my previous incorrect solution. i didn't understand your question correctly...
Now, correct answer:
Try to use this Opera's command script:
Duplicate page & Delay,100 & Read mail, 200000009Where 200000009 - value of the label that you can get from index.ini file (see value of the Id= parameter).
So, right click menu item should look like:
Item, "Open Label_1 in new tab"=Duplicate page,,,,"Mail Accounts" & Delay,100 & Read mail,200000009
But in what context (right click) menu you want to add this new menu item? Opera has a lot of context menus.
emc last edited by
Thank you very much stng , WORKS !!!!!!
[Hotclick Popup Menu]
Item, "Open Label_1 in new tab"=copy & delay, 50 & Duplicate page,,,,"Mail Accounts" & Delay,100 & Read mail,200000003What is the next command I can : Paste to ' quick find ' widget ?
as you can see I have copied something ready to paste ( into quick find ) .
Thanks much again to the help !
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
What is the next command I can : Paste to ' quick find ' widget ? as you can see I have copied something ready to paste ( into quick find ) .
Add this:
& Delay,2000 & Focus search field & Paste
P.S. You can try another Delay value. 2000 ms (two seconds) works good for my "Received" folder in mail base with ~1000 messages (IMAP).
emc last edited by
Hi stng ,
' Focus search field ' = focus the quick find widget in M2.
What is the command if to focus the 'search for mail' widget ?
Originally , I am using only ' quick find ' & I hope 'Focus search field' means "quick find widget'
you know, in M2 they have 2 similar mail search widget, quick find & search for mail.
Thank you very much.
edmond. -
emc last edited by
I have test it ,
Quick find not work . Unless, if I also put a widget of ' Search for mail ' into M2.
Then , this command words & I saw it paste to both widget of 'Quick find' & "Search for mail'.
.....& Delay,2000 & Focus search field & Paste
How I can let it works without having widget ' search for mail ' ?
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
What is the command if to focus the 'search for mail' widget ?
"Focus search field" command. Then paste text to search.
Originally , I am using only ' quick find ' & I hope 'Focus search field' means "quick find widget'
In the context of mail panel 'Focus search field' works for mail search.
you know, in M2 they have 2 similar mail search widget, quick find & search for mail.
Hmm... I don't see that. M2 has only "Search mail" widget, but not quick find. I've tried to add "Quick find" widget manually to the Opera Mail panel (toolbar). But "Focus search field" internal command still works as Search mail (in mail panel). Opera simply ignores Quick find in Mail panel.
emc last edited by
" quick find " locate at " mail view "
..... Right click, Customize , Appearance , buttons , mail view.
quick find & search for mail they are listed in 'pair '
Yes............. Why M2 ignore ' quick find ' & what would be command if I want to : Focus quick find ?
Thanksssssssssssssssss !
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
Thanks again !!!
Sometime the "From' and 'Subject' and 'Sent' are not sorted in order when freshly open a mail view.
Either you open Received view or Unread view or openbing a label.
Mails are just not sort by any of these 3 columns.
What is the Opera command ( assign to keyboard ) if I am to sort by ' Sent ' , and the newest email at the most bottom ?
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
Anyone knows the magic command if I'm to sort by date in M2 Received view
( newest message at bottom )
As you may know Opera does not sort " AT ALL " sometime in M2.................
I use " FROM" ., " SUBJECT " and " SENT " ., only 3 columns.
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
Hello ,
How I can ask below to "show sent" ?
What is the command to "show sent" ?
What is the command to "No show sent" ? ( so that I can reform mail view to not to show sent item )
I want this to happen it before Duplicate page & not show sent after send queued mail.
Thank you very much.
Edmond.Item, "Open LAYTR"=
copy & delay, 50
& Duplicate page,,,,"Mail Accounts"
& Delay,100
& Read mail,200000003
& Delay, 3500
& Focus search field
& Paste
& work offline
& Delay, 50
& Focus page
& Zoom in, 30
& Delay , 1000
& Focus message list
& Delay , 50
& go to end
& Delay , 45000
& Work online
& Get Mail
& send queued mail
emc last edited by
My Friend.................
what is Show sent & not to show sent internal command in Opera please.................
Thank you.
Edmond. -
stng last edited by
quick find & search for mail they are listed in 'pair ' Yes............. Why M2 ignore ' quick find ' & what would be command if I want to : Focus quick find ?
I believe that Opera simply ignores "Quick find" function (and all related internal commands) in mail windows.
But i haven't tried 12.xx. This is a probably bug of 11.x versions.Halloooooooo......
Anyone knows the magic command if I'm to sort by date in M2 Received view ( newest message at bottom )Try this command:
Sort by column,6
How I can ask below to "show sent" ?
What is the command to "show sent" ?
What is the command to "No show sent" ? ( so that I can reform mail view to not to show sent item )This should work:
**Set mail view flag, 0 ** - enable specific mail view (e.g. Show read which has a 0 value)
Clear mail view flag, 0 - disable specific mail view (e.g. Show read)
emc last edited by
Thank you very much !!!
Re: Sort by column,6
Any different setting is involves when this column ' sent ' to be set as .............
sort by newest mail at bottom
sort by newest mail at top
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
This should work:
Set mail view flag, 0 ** - enable specific mail view (e.g. **Show read which has a 0 value)
Clear mail view flag, 0 - disable specific mail view (e.g. Show read)
Just tried............. seems not show me the "SENT MAIL".
What is the command if I want it "SHOW SENT" ?
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
I triggered the command & looked again...............
The command you gave me is okay to " Show READ " & then not to " SHOW READ "
How about command " SHOW SENT " ? and not to " SHOW SENT " ?
Thank you very much.
Edmond. -
emc last edited by
Hello ,
Does Opera has command " Close all items " ?
What it does if there is one ?
Thank you very much.