Where is the passwords file in Opera 12.16?
rh99 last edited by
That worked RATHER well. Many thanks. One more thing I need to backup. Really need a backup program so I don't have to hunt all these files down every so often!
rh99 last edited by
Now I'd like to keep all Opera Preferences in the same folder as well for backup. Is it the operaprefs.ini file or something else? Any way of controlling where its stored? Can't seem to find it in opera:config.
Any other things I can store? I want to keep keyboard shortcuts as well (one of Opera's greatest strengths!). I see speeddial.ini in Profile as well that I moved. This is great so far. Should have done this YEARS ago! -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Now I'd like to keep all Opera Preferences in the same folder as well for backup
You can backup Opera's profile folder, it should be enough.
Any way of controlling where its stored?
IIRC you can edit operaprefs_default.ini to set the path to profilde folder. Don't remember now but should be something like that:
[User Prefs] Opera Directory="x:\pathto\profilefolder"
zlotowinfo last edited by
i tried to be better: Opera Directory={Resources}locale
but not works only that work: Opera Directory="d:\utils\ie\opera"examples to language files
Language Files Directory={Resources}locale\pl
Language File={Resources}locale\pl\pl.lng -
A Former User last edited by
Some of the paths in my operaprefs.ini have forward slashes instead of backslashes, try that.
zlotowinfo last edited by
no matter how i do, not working, {Resources}locale\ , {Resources}locale/ , {Resources}locale , "{Resources}locale"
zlotowinfo last edited by
even if i set: d:\utils\ie\opera\ opera still use c:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera\
zlotowinfo last edited by
ok i know where is problem, in system section must be: Multi User=0
& my profile should be: {Resources} not {Resources}localebut when i set Multi Use to 0, profile crashing
A Former User last edited by
I would uninstall and reinstall Opera from scratch as a single user, which should put the profile folder in the same folder as the Opera program files.
Back up your existing profile folder first!
Then copy your data files, bookmarks.adr, wand.dat etc. over from the old profile folder backup to the new one.