Opera 29 - Won't save passwords
digiface last edited by
Yes, it offers to to save a password, but it won't be saved. Password manager is empty.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Latest Opera.
mjs2opera last edited by
After a hour of searching Opera Help which was useless, Googling how to get Opera 29 to save passwords and finding several explanations but in the end after finding where passwords files are and that they are "enables" Opera 29 willnot save any passwords or import from Sync. My comment on all of this is too obscene to put in print. Guess the only solution is to to tio FireFox. Who at Opera destroyed what was nice features in Opera 12.17 etc. Whoever they are they are really D__B IMO
lando242 last edited by
So, you are having problems and that means everyone is having problems? 'Opera' is 'destroyed' because there is a problem with your install? Man, its a good thing the world revolves around you or you might come off sounding like a jerk.