Opera start icon gone after windows 10 update service pack 1
gingern last edited by
I have the same problem http://postimg.org/image/af857n355/. And I've tried the same solutions. Can someone help?
Deleted User last edited by
Is the problem apparent with Opera in specific, or have you noticed others programs with a blank icon? Unfortunately, we do not have any Windows 10 PCs deployed here.
gingern last edited by
Only opera. I've read in articles that people had problems with windows 10 icons, when icons looked like white paper shit on some background, not like just white square.
A Former User last edited by
"Is the problem apparent with Opera in specific, or have you noticed others programs with a blank icon? Unfortunately, we do not have any Windows 10 PCs deployed here."
It is only with Opera.
albert71292 last edited by
I had that issue. Got the icon to appear by removing from Start, going to the Opera program folder, right clicked the Opera application file from there, selected "Pin to Start", and the icon was back.
kxwong last edited by
C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\34.0.2036.50\opera.exe <<< pin this to start , not the launcher
matzex last edited by
The error is in the launcher.visualelementsmanifest.xml.
The colors and icons are set there, but the file names for the icons are not correct.
Square150x150Logo = "Assets \ 150x150Logo.png"
Square70x70Logo = "Assets \ 70x70Logo.png"150x150Logo.png and 70x70Logo.png do not exist, only additional versions for different scales and contrast.
I have created a copy of the 2 different sizes, each of the highest scaled version. These were then renamed, so that they will be found.
then I change only once the size of the tile and the icon was displayed. -
briantrott last edited by
Right click on opera.exe and select "pin to start" (This worked for me).
C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\34.0.2036.50 (or highest number folder) \opera.exe <<< pin this to start , not the launcher
deod last edited by
matzex is absolutely right. I just had to modify "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\launcher.visualelementsmanifest.xml" file.
Changed 150x150Logo.png and 70x70Logo.png entries to 150x150Logo.scale-100.png and 70x70Logo.scale-100.png accordingly