How to remove Discover from Speed Dial?
chucker98 last edited by
Just don't use it. Sort of like the many people who did not like the mail component in the Presto years and simply chose to not use it. Why make a big thing over a button/link?
A Former User last edited by
Just don't use it. Sort of like the many people who did not like the mail component in the Presto years and simply chose to not use it. Why make a big thing over a button/link?
Why make a big thing over a hiding button/link?
starkland last edited by
It annoys me when people chastise others over their dislike of a new feature. Especially when there is actually a solution to this issue. If the OP was referring to the new active Discover box in the Speed Dial which cycles through random stories, then there is a way to ditch that box.
I myself searched to see if anyone else found it annoying (and if there was a way to remove it).
Mini-rant: I cannot stand to see news feeds flashing around. If I wanted this, I would go to Yahoo and see a bunch of random news stories about creeps, weirdos and the heartwarming fuzzies of the hour.
I was at my Speed Dial when I was distracted by a morbid news story headliner on the (oversized)Discover panel box. Followed by a newsflash about a sports figure I don't care about, and blah blah blah.
Solution: Enter in opera:flags in the address bar. About 15 items down is the Experimental Start Page option. Choose "Disabled". The only thing it seems to remove is that annoying Discover panel box.
P.S. When I am in the mood, I like having the Discover (and History, etc) links at the bottom of the Speed Dial. This solution leaves them there, but removes the oversized Discovered box oddly placed in the Speed Dial lineup.
A Former User last edited by
Solution: Enter in opera:flags in the address bar. About 15 items down is the Experimental Start Page option. Choose "Disabled". The only thing it seems to remove is that annoying Discover panel box.
No its not. First verify informations before you post it! You cant remove/hide discover.
joshabc last edited by
Just don't use it. Sort of like the many people who did not like the mail component in the Presto years and simply chose to not use it. Why make a big thing over a button/link?
It is not so simple' the pictures are disgusting. and i do not want any family member including myself to open it "by accident" if anyone can help to remove it would be a great thing
starkland last edited by
Okay. I am not sure if I was clear enough when I referred to it as a "panel box". The correct term to what I was referring is the Discover 'thumbnail' that was added to the Speed Dial in Opera 30. It is an active thumbnail on the Speed Dial that displays a cycle of news stories.
I am completely satisfied to leave the Discover link that is at the bottom of the Speed Dial (which sits along with History, etc). It is a nice feature to use WHEN I want to use it. Even if I did not like the Discover link, there is not a way to remove that. So, yes, there is not a way to remove the Discover feature in Opera, but there is a way to remove the Discover thumbnail on the Speed Dial.
I myself was able to remove the Discover thumbnail on the Speed Dial by disabling Experimental Start Page option on Opera:Flags. Maybe it will not work for everyone, but it certainly worked for me. However, this was on a Windows 7 computer with a fresh install of Opera 30 (no previous versions).
Interestingly, another computer with Windows Vista and previous installations of Opera did not have the Discover thumbnail at all and still had Experimental Start Page selected. So I am not entirely sure if every version of Opera 30 is on the same page, so to speak.
Out of curiosity, Airforce, do you have the Discover thumbnail in your Speed Dial (it's slightly larger than other thumbnails and permanently to the left of them)? Unlike other thumbnails, like a thumbnail created for ReadWriteWeb, you can't click X to remove it. I wanted to remove it because I like to have my speed dial contain what I want and not see roving headlines of some latest murderer's horror show along with random other headlines. But like I said, the Discover feature itself which can be accessed from a neutral link at the bottom of the Speed Dial is nice WHEN I can choose to use it.
Maybe that's petty, but I like Opera and was surprised to see it stick this feature right into my Speed Dial with no way to X it. I already see enough news every day. Enough grim, tabloid headlines. Ideally Opera should have made it optional and allow one to just X it from the Dial.
chucker98 last edited by
Discover presents disgusting images? :whistle: Are you serious? Then set Netnanny to block questionable images for your children OR keep them off the internet altogether. I have yet to see anything "disgusting" presented via Discover but I guess it all depends on what one deems disgusting. At this time there is no way to remove the Discover option.
starkland last edited by
Now that I reread this forum entry, I am starting to wonder if users who have Opera 30 as an update (and not a new install) are seeing the same Discover thumbnail that users with a fresh install are seeing.
It seems that newcomers are asking how to remove this thumbnail which older users may not even see (I don't see it on my older computer which has 30 as the update, but I did see it on my new computer which had Opera 30 as a new installation).
So there may be a misunderstanding about what people may want to remove. From my understanding, they want to remove the oversized Discover thumbnail/tile that has been plunked directly into the speed dial.
Any one else notice this? Is there this difference between updated versions and fresh installations--or is it varying by OS?
A Former User last edited by
@starkland I never saw discover as tile at speed dial. I think you talking about discover button at the bottom of speed dial site. Nevermind... but I still thinks that discover is useless feature - delete/hide is only option for me.
markatopra last edited by
I don't mind the "discover", in fact I think its a good idea. My problem is that I hate the news sites used and I don't even bother with it. It would be great if the news sites could be selected by the user.
A Former User last edited by
@starkland I think you are onto something. No large discover tile on speed dial in my updated Opera 30, only the selection in the bar at the bottom. It may be a mistake to make this known here as Opera may hear of it and put an unwanted large Discover tile in our updated versions.
As for disgusting content, assuming "social" content is the problem, why not select a category like Science? Or just not click Discover?
This reminds me of the old joke:
Doctor: Does that hurt?
Patient" Ouch! Yes!
Doctor: Then don't do that. -
starkland last edited by
The large Discover tile was for squeezing in random headlines and accompanying thumbnail image in background. It was not social content, but news headlines, which ran the gamut from sports to grisly murders. I did try selecting Science via Discover, but it did not seem to reflect that.
And to be quit picky, I also did not like the oversized tile overshadowing my other tiles. Ha. And miffed that I could not just X it out.
But the solution I found worked for me. So I will say no more about it for now
jcohen012292 last edited by
I am new to opera and like it very much. I have
question concerning the "discover" function. I
actually like it and go to it often, but i have
not been able to figure out how to go to the
specific story that is being referred to in the
discover "window" above the "tiles" (hope that's
correct jargon!). When i click, it takes me to
same page that comes up if i click "discover"
button at bottom of page, but i scroll down and
i often cannot locate the story referred to in the
window:/ Is there a way to go directly to that story?
If anyone know, i'd appreciate the help, thank you so much. -
jcohen012292 last edited by
Discover presents disgusting images? Are you serious? Then set Netnanny to block questionable images for your children OR keep them off the internet altogether. I have yet to see anything "disgusting" presented via Discover but I guess it all depends on what one deems disgusting. At this time there is no way to remove the Discover option.
Jerk, he's not talking about the "discover option," he's just talking about the freaking "panel" that
runs just below and parallel to the google search bar, and shows rolling headlines that constantly change,
and worse is there is no way, apparently, to click on that specific story. That's the problem i'm having.
I like the feature (although i totally get why others wouldn't), but when i click on whatever headline
pops up that i want to read, it doesn't take me to that article at all. In fact, more times than not, the
article CANNOT BE FOUND AT ALL, even if i go and select the correct category. If i want to find a story,
i have to go to google and search by putting the headline in there and see what comes up in google. Its
a, in that whole conversation, you obviously never understood what he was talking about,
probably cause you're miserable and enjoy being snarky, so here's to ya pal. -
max1c last edited by
he's just talking about the freaking "panel" that
runs just below and parallel to the google search bar, and shows rolling headlines that constantly changeI've never seen it. Here take a look. This is 100% random. There are no options for it and I got it when I installed a fresh Stable 30 install on my work PC. I have never seen it before, but there doesn't seem to be a way to remove it.
max1c last edited by
Here take a look.
I've never seen it here. Are you sure it's related to Discover?
Yes of course I'm sure. It's showing headlines from discover and takes you to discover when you click it... This is exactly identical to the feature Opera introduced on mobile. I'm guessing this has something to do with that.
A Former User last edited by
Which one? Never seen something like that on the mobile version, at least in the Android one.
It used to have one, then you could hold it and swipe it to the trash folder.
I guess they decided to remove it because I don't get it anymore on clean installs.
We don't have it but Max1c does, I guess it's a sort of A/B testing.