Opera Mini 8 beta for Windows Phone
A Former User last edited by
A download with opera mini does not save a file with data on the phone. But it is a file with 0 kb that can not be used. I can transfer it to another directory but in the ms 'files' app it stays without data. A jpg with 0 kb can not be seen, An mp3 without content can not be heard.
I'm using a Lumia Icon 929Could you share an example url to a file where it happens?
A Former User last edited by
On this page the url to the sound file saves a file with no data.
When I click on the corresponding picture. I can save it. When I try to display it using the ms 'files' app it is not possible because it says 0 KB. -
barmutay last edited by
Browser crashes often. Browser very slow sometimes
.Please, add sincronisation, private tabs, more settings
patrikmore last edited by
Answering to bass305:
No back/forward button No opera link No option for disable remember passwords on all sites No option for change quality images Power supply for download files Can't browse because only appear yellow box on link Tab switch is annoying, Add option for change like old style or on list view
Never used back/forward button, return function from the phone is enough. Never used opera link. Passwords are remembered normally by web pages. Quality image is fine as soon it's maximum quality. Need of Power supply for download files could be an issue. Very few web pages are'nt accessible. I'm delighted with new design.
Answering to vigneshlin:
Browser is a bit more buggy than previous one Much slower in browsing Font is too small even on large setting Image quality doesn't change Tamil fonts not display properly. about:config not opening.
Browser is more stable, but sometimes app closes suddenly. IT IS TRUE, IT IS SLOWER, but I expect that's going to be fixed in the future. For fonts, large text size setting is perfect. Image quality is OK as soon as it's the maximum quality. I don't use tamil fonts, just regular english-spanish keyboard. Config is not so extended as before, to me it's OK, best setting is Single Column View.
A Former User last edited by
Browser is more stable, but sometimes app closes suddenly. IT IS TRUE, IT IS SLOWER
Could you give a couple of examples of places (or use cases) that you see it is slower than the previous version?
fitboypink last edited by
could you please make previous version available in the windows phone store as this latest version is a complete dog s**t
fitboypink last edited by
still waiting for opera to do something about this latest update I WANT THE OLD ONE BACK BECAUSE THIS ONE BLATENTLY DOESNT WORK im surprised at opera for releasing an update that so blatently isnt anywhere near ready to be installed on anyones phone please have u got a link for downloading older version for windows phone 8.1
kasou-sk last edited by
PLEASE, give me back previous version of Opera Mini for WP!
All of my open tabs are lost, my history is lost. I had like 10 open tabs, thank god I decided to upgrade after vacation. This single issue could make me upset, but I still can handle it.
Toolbar takes up a lot of precious space on small phone display. If you want to get rid of menu button in bottom right corner, add some offscreen swipe gesture instead.
I don't care about correct html rendering, give me back previous page layout algorithm, so I can zoom in and read text without problems. If there's any problem with particular page, I can still open it in IE and I practice it this way.
Double tap to intelligent zoom in doesn't work any more. Maybe this is the single most important feature lost. Why do you think there are still smaller phones operable with one hand only?
So, Why the hell should I use Opera Mini anymore? Do you even have any idea, why we are using this instead of IE on the phone?
Thank you very much.
And last but not least. Please don't forget older version was able to hold rendered content in memory even after restart. So I wasn't usually reloading open tabs after restart. Very helpful feature when on trip and multitasking between browser and map application. This one lost feature makes me hesitate if I should stay with WP or switch to another OS. Thanks for understanding.
devrock97 last edited by
the new ui is really very impressive in wp 8.1 but it's quite slower. it crashes sometimes in lumia 730. is there any possibility to upgrade it to Windows mobile 10 in future?. best of luck for next development.
bissobg last edited by
I've been trying to update Opera on my WP for more than a week now, but I always get an error. The link that goes with the error leads to a non-existent Microsoft help page. Error code is 80073cf6. What shall I do?
pegemi last edited by
As the "saved pages" is disabled on the version - are my saved pages disappeared too? So, as soon as the "saved pages" feature will be again available can I see my old pages again ?
dhanso99 last edited by
I'm not at all happy with the new version on my Lumia 520, having many of the same complaints as others have already noted. Namely:
Progress bar is almost invisible, being too thin and a pale color. Unlike other WP apps, the bar's color doesn't respect the user's color scheme choice.
The control layout is awkward for one-handed operation. IE for WP puts everything on the bottom, which is good. Opera Mini's URL bar at the top means more reaching around.
Click and hold to open a new tab takes too long. Also, the click and hold options are ordered differently,
There's no click/selection feedback as before. I often find myself wondering, "Did I actually click that link, or not?"
No saved pages. All of mine from version 7.x appear to be lost. Grrr.
No landscape mode (rotation). Sites that format pages as one wide column are almost impossible to read on a vertical screen.
No back (or forward) buttons. I know, IE for WP doesn't have them either, but the usability of that approach is questionable IMO.
Less data seems to be cached, so pressing the back button more frequently requires a slooow page reload. (And it does seem pages load more slowly. I don't have any way to measure this, but the developers certainly ought to.)
History and bookmarks don't display right away. The delay is long and irritating. There should at least be a "loading..." message. Instead, we're told "No history" or shown a blank screen.
As others have noted, the button bar at the bottom of the screen takes up a lot of space, but I'm not sure what to suggest as an alternative. A swipe up control might be nice.
The app crashes more often than before. That's not surprising for a beta, but it's annoying. Version 7.x wasn't perfect either, but it was more stable.
On the plus side, the page rendering seems to have improved, but the old version was good enough for me. Frankly, I'd prefer to be able to revert to the old version, but haven't figured out how to do that. Guess I'm stuck until the new version gets updated, which hopefully will be soon!
A Former User last edited by
I've been trying to update Opera on my WP for more than a week now, but I always get an error. The link that goes with the error leads to a non-existent Microsoft help page. Error code is 80073cf6. What shall I do?
Microsoft help pages tend to throw out 404s when you're not logged in or your version of Silverlight is broken...
About that error code, it seems to be Store application error, you can try to clear its cache or IE cache and then resync your MS account.
A Former User last edited by
No back (or forward) buttons. I know, IE for WP doesn't have them either, but the usability of that approach is questionable IMO.
Back action is done by hardware back button. Forward can be achieved by swipe gesture.
Less data seems to be cached, so pressing the back button more frequently requires a slooow page reload. (And it does seem pages load more slowly. I don't have any way to measure this, but the developers certainly ought to.)
True, your observations are correct. This is connected to our memory usage while using more tabs, we're currently working on resolving this.
History and bookmarks don't display right away. The delay is long and irritating. There should at least be a "loading..." message. Instead, we're told "No history" or shown a blank screen.
No, there should be no lag
The app crashes more often than before. That's not surprising for a beta, but it's annoying. Version 7.x wasn't perfect either, but it was more stable.
Desribe me an use-case scenario and we'll look into that. We're fixing the most occuring crashes that are logged to our system, but sometimes we're hopeless with reproduction, as the bare stacktrace doesn't provide all the info that we need.
Genereally, the more details we get from you, the higher chance you will see it fixed in next release.
vigneshlin last edited by
Sorry for comparing
But I have to
Android opera mini has better font support Tamil font displays properly in Android whereas wp Tamil font half of the words is missing.
Android mini has good size of text even at median size.
Android mini is much more faster in browsing.
Android mini has smooth scrolling.
WP mini was much better in previous versions at least in UI, STABILITY, FASTER BROWSING.
Again sorry for comparison but its with Android mini beta not even with a final version
navendukumar last edited by
bpydzinski sir
Goood morning we need to really give stable version as the first beta version was much better then current oneinfact the 6 months time should have been enough to give a very stable version but that has not happened
if u have given us all feature enabled in new version we would have reported the bugs in bettter way
i feel by disabling all feature which are essential for working of opera is damaging its bugs reporting
pl enable all feature and then ask us we will give u alot bugs but half way browser wont allow opera to develop fianl stable product we need satble browser and for that a full working browser is needed to make it more stable
i have not able to use new version ever since all feature were disable ????
when main opera browser for desktop pc is updated every week why opera mini for windows is taking 6 months??
this is big question the desktop browser is updated every week so why cant that speed be given to windows operamini to give windows phone a stable product I feel co is just loosing her precious time for not working on stable product how new may be platform sir u need to be fast on updates and with all working features to test us the browser
regards -
Deleted User last edited by
@navendukumar That's not the aim of beta, to be fully functional I mean. Good to know though that some folks still follow the White Rabbit into the hole.
navendukumar last edited by
mr sagrid
if I give u car without engine and ask u to test and give me peroformance reportpl do it and give me I will oblige so eating half cooked food also gives stomach upset and health
so unless a working update is given in full working form stable product cant be developed
pl be very clear on this