Synced bookmarks and improved memory usage in Opera 28 for Android
threatdown last edited by
I am trying to sync my data to 3 machines 1 desktop 1 laptop and 1 android phone I can't no matter what I do log in using my phone and as for the rest I really would like to know how to sync my data. I do like Opera the Speed dial is amazing BUT if I cant Sync it then it's of no use to me, and I would have to go back to FF and I would hate that. Come on Fix it!
What happens when you try to login? I've tested it here on all my android devices and it works fine... (a nexus 5 running the latest lollipop, and my galaxy s2 running 4.1). I just signed in with my opera account and then a bookmarks icon appeared on the speed dial page with all my sync'd bookmarks
Well, it's great and all, but where and how do I synchronize my data? I'm signed in on all four devices I want to use (upgraded to O28), but there is NOTHING HELPFUL (no button, not even a link) to use. Even signing out and signing back in on Settings does nothing.
Typical...promise something, then fail to deliver. I may end up going back to least I can sync data far quicker between devices on that browser.Look for the green bookmarks icon on the speed dial page, that's where all the syncd bookmarks are.
David-H last edited by
Okay so now I am logged in on All 3 machines, but I cannot seem to get them to sync I have different speed dial saves on each machine and I need to sync them so I can use them on any machine How do I do this?
threatdown last edited by
speed dial does not sync yet, in opera 28 only bookmarks sync.
Speed dial sync should be coming in opera 29, its in the latest opera 29 dev build (along with tab sync)
threatdown last edited by
Well, it's great and all, but where and how do I synchronize my data? I'm signed in on all four devices I want to use (upgraded to O28), but there is NOTHING HELPFUL (no button, not even a link) to use. Even signing out and signing back in on Settings does nothing.
Typical...promise something, then fail to deliver. I may end up going back to least I can sync data far quicker between devices on that browser.Signing in is all you need to do to sync... works fine here... after you sighn in a bookmarks button appears on the speed dial page that you can use to access syncd bookmarks
iPristy last edited by
I get yellow cat crashes on this sites, and
May phone has 4.2.2 and dual core 1GHz.
emoller last edited by
@geocities I can't get any crashes on my phone on those pages. Can you let us know your make and model on the phone and any specific steps to reproduce?
Deleted User last edited by
Some images don't seem to load with the new version (it'll show up with Off-Road Mode turned on).
An example is this image:
Is there some setting I'm missing? I'm on a Galaxy S4
jonaballen last edited by
Hi we just made a small update to Opera for Android.
new version no: 28.0.1764.90386
Update includes:
- Minor chromium update (includes stability improvements and crash fix)
- Crash fix relating to UI top controls
- Fix for Nexus 6 when webarea partially turns black after device rotation
iPristy last edited by
My phone is
No problems with factory browser that's on this phone.
mele1986 last edited by
working perfect
im really happy now.. on next versions i would like to see new futures like lock option on media player .. add news to discovery by url like rss.. add wallpaper theme backround to speed dial
bigbighill last edited by
working perfect im really happy now.. on next versions i would like to see new futures like lock option on media player .. add news to discovery by url like rss.. add wallpaper theme backround to speed dial
speed dials sync?
tomnewman last edited by
"after you sign in a bookmarks button appears on the speed dial page that you can use to access syncd bookmarks"
i use a long time to find the bookmark botton, can it be stated more clearly somewhere ?
tomnewman last edited by
and is there any way to bookmark a search page in google like the old version ? the add to bookmark icon disappeared under google search
Deleted User last edited by
Password manager is still big fat f.cking pile of bullshit. This is such a comedy...
rikscha last edited by
got 2 querys, please :
1.) if i gonna update my opera for android browser to this new version - what is going to happen with all the bookmarks i saved in my actual opera version ? (19.0.1340.69721)
2.) any chance to "s a f e" all my current and future bookmarks in my acount? will be thankful for suggestions where to safe all the booksmarks- just the idea of loosing my smartphone with all these nonsaved bookmarks scares me since this is the only device i use ...
Thanks for all helpful info
A Former User last edited by
Could you please make the "new exit dialog" optional? I don't like it at all.
I very often use "Google News and Wheather" to choose one headline after another and the news are opened in Opera then. In the old Opera after reading the page I have to press the Back key only once and Opera switches to background. In the new Opera I press it and come to the overview site. So I have to press the Back key again to switch to background. That's really annoying in daily use.
The same thing with the exit button itself. I have to choose it explicitly from the menu or by long pressing the Back key. There is no accidential choosing of the exit button. So why I have to confirm this now?
Please add an option for it. Thanks.
iPristy last edited by
Ads are the problem they are heavy taxing on my phone on and
Ok my phone looks like is low performance, factory browser is crashing also and other browser that don't have ad bloker also crashes.
Deleted User last edited by
Ads are the problem they are heavy taxing on my phone on and
Ok my phone looks like is low performance, factory browser is crashing also and other browser that don't have ad bloker also crashes.Ads can crash your phone due to null JavaScript, yes. Google may activate no-ops flags for fingerprinting and/or testing new features like WebRTC and this JavaScript gauge is exploited by ads.
Deleted User last edited by
Ok my phone looks like is low performance, factory browser is crashing also and other browser that don't have ad bloker also crashes.
Quick tip: Using Opera Max avoid chrashes with default browser or Dolphin 8.5.1. Tested on Nexus S, 4.0.4.