What is your Weather? :)
Deleted User last edited by
So, now I find out this place has a helling machine, apparently easily tripped. One of my posts here earlier today tripped it, maybe it'll show and maybe it won't. We'll see.
Still bitter cold. 6 below 0 Fahrenheit forecast for tonight.
Deleted User last edited by
Had another trip yesterday afternoon/last night, got home late.
Weather--- below unbelievable cold. Wind blowing like crazy out of the West. Blowing and drifting snow across Interstate 57 until you got to Kankakee. Then, no more snow to blow but still cold and windy. Trip from Elk Grove Village, Illinois to Salem, Illinois.Right now, at home: -8 F, wind chill -20 F, sunny. High for today--- what high? +5 F isn't exactly what I would call "high". Down to -6 F forecast for tonight.
Deleted User last edited by
So my earlier posts finally escaped, but are out-of-place.
Right now-- 0 F, going up to 20 F. Snow later, downstate it could be up to 4 inches but here in Chicagoland it looks to be only an inch or so.
Notice: No bad language was used in this post. I'm watching to see just how big a pest this hell-machine really is.
A Former User last edited by
0°C is not usually very comfortable - at least when it's not dry enough. Grim cloudedness and pressure plummeting can also add to the discomfort.
s390g last edited by
Rhinelander, WI
Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft
Last Update: 02/23/15, 05:53 AM CST
Temperature: -22°F (-30°C) -
A Former User last edited by
It was sunny here today, but I only went out in the evening, so only saw a growing crescent.
It's above zero Celsius here for now; they were 'promising' a two-day winter for the next couple of days... -
s390g last edited by
Above 0 C, I wish it were that here
. Probably another week of very cold for us.
A Few Clouds
s390g last edited by
re: swap the weather
Yes Please!
Updated: 7:20 AM CST on February 26, 2015
Observed at Lake Mildred, Rhinelander, Wisconsin
**Temperature -16.7°F / -27.1°C ** <- -
s390g last edited by
In this part of North America it is very similar to 2014, very frigid so far, and it seems it will extend into March. It looks like your weather is staying moderate, so would be nice to switch with you
A Former User last edited by
What time stamps are they?
From lookwayup:
Definition of
[a] sexually unresponsive ; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman".[WHISPER]I posted for you in another thread.[/WHISPER]
ryszard last edited by
Ostatnia aktualizacja: Środa 18 III 2015 godz. 8:00:00
pozycja: 21° 27' 16.62" E, 49° 44' 41.58" NTemperatura: 0.8 °C
Wilgotność: 65.3 %
Ciśnienie Atmosferyczne: 1005.6 hPa
Siła wiatru: 0.5 m/s
Kierunek wiatru: 98.6 °
Opady deszczu: 0 mm