How do I get rid of the 'Opera Notes' tab
haliburtonhighlands last edited by
At startup in Opera 26 the first screen that comes up is Opera Notes. Not a home page or the speed dial, the Opera Notes tab. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? I know it is not suppose to be there because I have Opera 26 loaded onto another computer and its not there.
lando242 last edited by
Opera 26 doesn't have a notes feature. Have you installed an extension for notes? IF so you might look into its options to see if theres something in there about it. You might also try opening the options screen (Alt+P) and seeing what your "On startup" options are.
pqr3 last edited by
No, indeed none of the post Opera 12 have a NOTES tab. Please bring it back.
My Notes files is actually a large collection of media articles from the internet, each note therefore being between 500 and 3000 bytes in size. So: being grouped by category and subcategory, which naturally alter as more are added, I move them around. In the Notes folder, it is easy to move and regroup them, much, much easier than in a Word file.
A text-based structure of this sort is far easier to use than Word, etc, notwithstanding no images. Life is possible without them, or one can use an appropriate programme.
And that's not all! Unlike most users, bookmarks are of absolutely no value whatever to me. Indeed, bookmarks' only value is that up to about Opera 9.27, one could copy between Notes and Bookmarks, which is much more precise and reliable than importing. A very useful function, since lost.
So I am still using 9.27 for note manipulation and 12.15 for browsing. (FYI XP SP3, Pentium 4 3GHz, 2GB). It is the mark of a good product that the older versions still work well.
haliburtonhighlands last edited by
lando242 I have the MSN home page at start up and I don't have anything other than note pad installed on my computer. I also removed Opera 12 in hopes that this Opera Notes thing was connected to it but no go.
pqr3 I understand that a note taking component would be handy. I normally just copy and paste to an Open Office document when I want to keep something from the internet. My question is, do you know how to remove the Opera Notes tab?
It would be great if I could insert a picture here so you know what it looks like. On the top right it says 'Opera' and on the top left it says 'Exported Notes 1/22/2015' and then a couple more lines below that.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
You can insert a picture, if you've previously uploaded it somewhere. Then again, a link is fine.
What is your startup setting?
It is just a file on your computer, Opera converted your old Notes to HTML so the new version could read them. You must have clicked on the "Opera 12 Notes.html" desktop icon. Close the tab (so that if you are using "Continue from last time" it won't re-open the file), and then don't click that icon - look for the real Opera shortcut.