opera turbo off or on
karan4kool last edited by 26 Jan 2015, 06:41
Why opera turbo always say turn off opera turbo if you had changed to a fast network
does opera turbo slow a 3g connection???? -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by 26 Jan 2015, 06:57
Why did you post in several forums?
If you're on 3G (and hence paying in terms of bandwidth) you may still want to use Turbo, but Turbo can't be any faster than the site's server. Obviously since it adds extra hops and has to do some processing of its own, Turbo will not improve speed compared to contacting the server directly on a fast network. Mobile versions of Opera can be configured to automatically turn off Turbo when you connect to a wi-fi hotspot, I don't think desktop versions are aware of how you are connected to the Internet.
Deleted User last edited by 26 Jan 2015, 09:21
Opera Turbo is a webcontent compression, lowering traffic, more of a proxy server, and not to be thought as as a speedup. If Opera Turbo compression servers are far away in other country the connection might be slower. And you should think about interception in case of speed and data routing of your internet provider.
A Former User last edited by 26 Jan 2015, 17:23
It's a wrong term now.
In the past, it might've been that the overall speeds didn't matter much compared to the device's, so diminishing the amount of data loaded might have been giving that impression and caused the name.
These days, on slow devices that may apply still: those with a simpler processor. With a decent processor you can only care about it when the overall speed is slow due to whatever reasons - anyway the performance won't seem turbo. This way it'll rather remind you of the lowering, off-road transmission used. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by 26 Jan 2015, 19:24
Turbo was initially for dial-up users and slow networks; if your network connection was significantly slower than the sites you were connecting to then Turbo could speed it up. However, those are getting less common.