Which is the best version of Opera (EXCLUDING anything past 12.17) and why??
Deleted User last edited by
Why would you think that the devs don't care?f Is it just because they don't happen to be turning Opera Blink back into Opera Presto? To say that "no one cares about another Chrome clone" is patently false for the simple reason that Opera Blink is not a Chrome clone. I love the new browser and many others do as well. Another thread was started recently titled Paying My Respects so there are others posting here besides complainers. No doubt I'll be labelled as high-jacking this thread since I'm posting a contrary view but that is my privilege. I stand by Opera's new direction and encourage them to keep on the same path. Ultimately Opera will experience success as other... new users discover it. Sticking with an older browser which is a security risk (12.14 needs to be patched) is taking an unnecessary risk and saying that its features outweigh how slowly web pages load is ridiculous. A browser that can't load pages reasonably fast and stumbles on the most popular websites is not a browser that most would choose. Ergo: Opera Presto is dead. Deal with it.
Deleted User last edited by
Sorry, Leo. I should have known better. You're quite right in your suggestion.
what-is-this last edited by
Hmmm, I took a look at Leushino's profile and he has hundreds of posts with this same pattern "Opera Presto is dead. Deal with it." He never says anything constructive. And there are always leocg and sidney taking his side. I want to hear from them what kind of features new Opera has to offer to stand out more than any other Blink Chromium browser.
blackbird71 last edited by
... I want to hear from them what kind of features new Opera has to offer to stand out more than any other Blink Chromium browser.
I thought the title of the thread was: "Which is the best version of Opera excluding anything past 12.17 and why?" Seems to me that calling for a discussion of features offered by "new Opera" in this thread is consciously going off-topic.
Deleted User last edited by
Opera Blink has the best speed dial, discover, bookmarks Manager, does not have built-in Flash player, minimalistic interface, Opera turbo, tab large preview, keyboard shortcuts, bookmark sharing and mouse gestures, it is safer.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
And there are always leocg and sidney taking his side.
You seem to be reading the wrong posts.
I want to hear from them what kind of features new Opera has to offer to stand out more than any other Blink Chromium browser.
Speed Dial, Hidpi support, tab preview, tab menu, just to cite a few.
Do i miss some Presto's features? Yes, i do. Does it prevent me from use Opera Blink? No, it doesn't.
In fact i realized that many Presto features weren't so essential, at least for me, and were more to impress others than to be useful to majority of users imho.
But the topic is for people to say why they keep using Opera Presto and not for them to say why they use Opera Blink.
Deleted User last edited by
Hmmm, I took a look at Leushino's profile and he has hundreds of posts with this same pattern "Opera Presto is dead. Deal with it." He never says anything constructive. And there are always leocg and sidney taking his side. I want to hear from them what kind of features new Opera has to offer to stand out more than any other Blink Chromium browser.
And who are you to just register a couple of days ago and check my profile? You're a disgruntled poster who has simply invented another profile to come back and create trouble. And as others have already said, you are "off-topic." I'm not going to answer your question although others have already done so. Indeed, today I posted a thread in which I commended the new browser regarding its new sharing bookmarks' feature. But again, that is off-topic so lets cut the personal attacks AND the trumped up, off-topic posts. "Nuff said?"
shandra last edited by
In fact i realized that many Presto features weren't so essential, at least for me, and were more to impress others than to be useful to majority of users imho.
Well, sadly this thread has turned into another OhOldGeeksYouShouldUnderstandByNowThatNowdaysMobile/Tabloid/Win8+Youngsters aren'tDesktopUsers(!)anymoreAndNoOneWantsToKnowWhatWorkRelatedBrowsingNeedsComparedToCasualLeasureSuitSkiming Rant vs. Presto since early posts (title indicates everything beyond O12.17 is off-topic)...
But at the moment (and since some days) I am actually researching material for my diploma + having open a lot of python module manuals, lotsa stackexchange and similar help forums, etc. and without Notes, without Sessions, without Site Preferences and Panels like Links together with tab-stacking That would be a lot more hell then the PITA it already is!
Without Presto I am not sure how I would handle all this multi-tasking, sorting, etc.
And the real sad factor is, that there is no real alternative to Presto so far (Otter or Fifth may reach that in some time to come, but so far...)
Oh I missed to include that my customized UI is full of FavIcons[Bookmarks]/SearchFields/etc. - so that I can open the most visited sites with just a click on the icon, etc. (Yeah Boys, since Amiga Times I am also one of those users who are really organizing their desktop icons and are utilizing them to fasten their workflow (like drop-target .bats and similiar besides simple shortcuts) -
shandra last edited by
leocg: I forgot to mention that your cite I was using was meant by me as an intro to my reasons for the features I am using, so the following "it really sucks by now flame" in my post wasn't directed vs. you but just in general as a complain vs. all those who highjack Presto Threats with their Chromium BlaBla....
Deleted User last edited by
And yet you fail to live up to your own admonitions. Where have you contributed to this thread in terms of answering the OP's question:
Which is the best version of Opera (EXCLUDING anything past 12.17) and why??
You can claim that "others" have attempted to highjack the thread but you're doing no better yourself. You mention some features of Presto that you miss while doing your research but you don't really answer his question. What version are you using and exactly why are you using "that" particular version versus another? Any "complaint" including your disguised rant two posts above, really is off-topic (just as my response to it now is). I admit to now being off-topic so I'll give my DIRECT answer to the OP's question.
The best version of Presto is 12.17 for the simple reason that it contained the features I had become accustomed to (side panels, tab stacking, notes (although I can find an extension to duplicate this), skins to customize it to my liking AND most importantly... security patches to keep it current with today's malware threats.
what-is-this last edited by
Oh gosh I started this after provocative post from leushino. I use 12.16, because I have some problems with yahoo mail in 12.17 O.O But anyway, I know a person with SLA (paralysis), and he use opera 11 (I don't know exact version) with voice support.
blackbird71 last edited by
Part of the problem in defining a "best" browser version is that typically when versions progress within a design family, new features are added and a few old features are discarded for various reasons. Most users go with the flow and prefer new versions more than old (for the growing convenience added by new features). But at some point, a user may find that a new version has dropped a feature that, to him, is 'essential' to his browsing habits or needs. This is particularly acute if the user employs his browser to accomplish actual "work" - as a "tool". Hence, when Presto Opera dropped Unite or voice-recognition in v12, users who had come to rely upon either feature found themselves locked into v11.xx as their "best" version - not so much because it was truly the "best" browser compared in some abstract way with subsequent versions, but because it was the last version to provide a feature necessary to that user's form of browsing.
For me, I generally progressed with Opera's versions from the 8.x days, liking each one better than the one before. Until after 11.52... subsequent versions altered some things that worsened Opera's stability and install-ability on my old Win98 system - hence 11.52 remained my "best" Opera version for some time. Eventually, with new hardware, I continued liking later Presto Opera versions up through 12.14, each generally better than the one before. Until 12.15... when the user-selection of default search engine was removed. That mattered very greatly to me, so I elected to remain with 12.14 even with its growing insecurities, in the expectation that Opera would eventually find a way to restore user control of default search engines whilst protecting users against hijacking. Then came Blink... which is really OT here, other than to say the same process occurred: the loss of many previous valued features with the Blink versions left me looking at the "best" Opera version as remaining at 12.14.
The result of all this is that what is a "best" browser version to one user may not be what someone else deems the most feature-filled or speediest or latest or even 'safest' browser, but instead the version that last fulfilled that first users basic needs in a browser... always keeping in mind that user "needs" and "expectations" for a browser are themselves often shaped by the feature-flow they've experienced in previous designs.
Deleted User last edited by
The result of all this is that what is a "best" browser version to one user may not be what someone else deems the most feature-filled or speediest or latest or even 'safest' browser, but instead the version that last fulfilled that first users basic needs in a browser... always keeping in mind that user "needs" and "expectations" for a browser are themselves often shaped by the feature-flow they've experienced in previous designs.
This is an excellent explanation of the relatively useless attempt at coming to a conclusion of what is the so-called best version of Opera Presto. That being the case, perhaps someone here can tell us why this thread is useful in a help forum other than to state the obvious (i.e. such and such a version of Opera Presto was useful to me because...". It would seem to me that a more useful exercise would be to go to the Suggestion Box and post which features of Opera Presto you would like to see added to the new Opera Blink browser and why.
blackbird71 last edited by
... perhaps someone here can tell us why this thread is useful in a help forum other than to state the obvious (i.e. such and such a version of Opera Presto was useful to me because...". ...
FWIW, the OP originally asked: " im sticking with 12.16 for the time being. With so many older versions - i am wondering if there is a version which works better (ignoring the security holes with the older ones)??." Accepting that at face value, I take it as a request for "help" in analyzing a possible Presto alternative to 12.16, either higher or lower in version. Obviously, many subsequent posts in the thread derailed into the all-too-usual Presto/Blink bickering. But on the assumption that there are legitimate needs (eg: hardware-driven) for some users to remain with Presto Opera, it seems to me that the topic and original question aren't out of line in an Opera helps forum... such users may well need to hear an airing on the pros and cons of various Presto versions versus each other. Such threads were commonplace in MyOpera forums, but alas, those are essentially inaccessible for most users now... which currently leaves - here.
Deleted User last edited by
I still disagree if he's not willing to clarify what he means by "works better." What is that supposed to mean? As you correctly pointed out, each version had its own features and strengths and weaknesses based upon a user's needs. If he does not expand upon his needs, there is no way to answer his question and the thread loses its relevance.
shandra last edited by
Which is the best - haven't I answered that within the early posts - if not I must have mixed that up with some posts of mine within either one of the refuge forums of/for the old myopera community...
I am using 12.17 x64 (as I don't have any problems with it), so apparently thats the best for me at the moment - apart from that (Using Opera since 6) sometimes I miss the MDI/SDI Option. But the Version I remember most is (and here's the handicap I don't remember the Versionnumber) the one that was ADware if no license where purchased and though I had bought it, whenever I wasn't working on my main computer I enjoyed the small banners of adverts - in fact one of the best context sensitive AD Systems I have ever encountered - In most cases where I was searching for something they even where helpful in refining the search terms or even came up with something useful. I really enjoyed and miss 'em from time to time.