Have an own forum for Presto-based Opera versions
A Former User last edited by
The trouble with just having a Presto thread, unless it's permanently pinned (which as far as I can see can only be done with "announcements") is that if it's not used for a while it will sink down the forum, and people with Presto questions will then just start new threads, giving the mods the headache of constantly merging them (can that even be done, I've never been aware of it here?)
I don't see the harm in Presto Opera having its own section.
It can always be removed when its use falls too low for its existence to be still justified.
And yes, some of the rants about Opera's supposed "betrayal" of Presto uses have been just a bit over the top!
Deleted User last edited by
I said this in other topic. There is no reason to use Presto, you will have so much problems and problems with it that you will see yourself using another browser more than Presto itself.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Works fine for me, no worse (and in a lot of ways, better) than any other browser.
A Former User last edited by
Listen, people, when Mozilla had a different project - they gave it a different name, right?
Why couldn't these... Vikings do the same? -
A Former User last edited by
Er, because the company's actually called Opera perhaps?
Why would they call it anything else?
Presto Opera 12.17 works fine for me 95% of the time, at the moment, but I'm under no illusion that this won't get worse as time goes on.
The main annoyance is on forms, where you spend ages filling them in, only for the "submit" button then to do nothing because of a javascript problem!
It's a long way from being so bad that I would abandon it as my primary browser yet though.
Deleted User last edited by
Dave, you're a reasonable man.
I'm beginning to see your points in regards to a separate forum.
A Former User last edited by
Well, Dave, was Opera their first project? Then it's justified to have it a namesake to the company.
But this __nu__Opera is not their first project...:sherlock: -
shandra last edited by
+1 for it
And to get away with OS Type/Version itself/etc. - Most Support Forums I know have a sub-forum for "legacy-products"/"older versions <app_name>" or something similar (catch all type of subforum). And yes, I think that it could at least soften the Presto/Chropera battles in valid support (user2user) requests (*1), as the "other population of Opera Users" could simply ignore such a forum (if they step away from trolling).
not general discussions - which ends up in Opera For * as it is nowadayscycle ('cause of missing alternatives(?) - as we don't have a generic Opera Discussion Forum so far, or am I missing something? -
A Former User last edited by
Shandra, if the two browsers had different names (or at leat the second one's one were adjusted with something), new users would not have "misposted" (or at least less likely would) if we had different subforums for the browsers.
For now, I guess such a "legacy" thing would become legitimate only after a/the official announcement has been issued widely stating that the company had ceased any and all support for the older browser completely. That is not the case yet.
christoph142 last edited by
such a "legacy" thing would become legitimate only after a/the official announcement has been issued widely stating that the company had ceased any and all support for the older browser completely.
And why would that be? Products differ now and solutions do, too.
That has nothing to do with either the name of the product or its lifetime. -
laurenbacall last edited by
Would be a good idea considering how many questions continue to be Presto. It's unfortunate Opera deleted the previous forum, which even if surviving as a read-only resource would have continued to be immeasurably useful to Presto users.
Also honestly glad leushino isn't around to troll anymore. The guy never stopped causing arguments and general dissension.