How to move the root directory of the new Opera Mail , the stand alone mail client ?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Also, make sure to uncheck "hide extensions for known file types".
modus operandi last edited by
Thx but my OS is Win 8 and IE was and is set to show hidden folders. That could thus not be the reason.
May I reiterate my request ?
I'm using Opera Mail V1.0 build 1040 Win32 OS Win 8.
On C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Opera Mail I have 29 Giga B (sic ) of mail.
I now would like very much to move this huge file away from C: to E:\OPERA\Opera Mail
But just setting the new wanted path in operaprefs does not work, be it under users prefs or not.
How should I do it ??Thx in advance.
modus operandi last edited by
Yes I did so. But then I saw that the new messages did not go to this new file but that the - not yet deleted - mail-folder in C: was updated. I did not want to delete this original folder in C: as long as I was not quite sure about the correct function of the new one on E:. 29 GB is a hell of a mass to loose
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I did not want to delete this original folder in C: as long as I was not quite sure about the correct function of the new one on E:
You can make a backup of the folder just in case Opera were to destroy it at the new location. But, it shouldn't.
Make sure you're editing operaprefs.ini while Opera is closed and as said, make sure you move "C:\Users\myName\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail" into "E:\OPERA" so that it's at "e:\OPERA\Opera Mail" and that there's not a mail folder at the old location.
Also, make sure the E drive is always available and ready before you start Opera. Otherwise, there could be an error and Opera might use the default location on C.
my OS is Win 8
There should be no difference compared to Win7 for how this all works.
modus operandi last edited by
I did move "C:\Users\myName\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail" to E:\Opera . So there was no longer this file in C:
and put "Mail Root Directory=E:\OPERA\mail" in operaprefs.ini
Starting operamail then opens the wizard new account ! But I do not want a new account !!!
What went wrong ??Thx
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
What went wrong ?
Opera's not finding the mail folder in that location and is using the default location. Is omailbase.dat at "E:\OPERA\mail\omailbase.dat" and accounts.ini at "E:\OPERA\mail\accounts.ini" when Opera Mail starts up? In some situations, if you've been upgrading for a long time, your mail will actually be in another "mail" folder inside the "mail" folder.
Is the mail root directory line under the [Mail] section in a operaprefs.ini? Also make sure there are not 2 Mail Root Directory lines (although Opera should remove extra ones). Also, make sure you're not using quotes on that line.
You might want to also retype the whole line in the file.
Also, although it shouldn't matter, make sure you're windows newline format when editing operaprefs.ini.
Also, you are indeed editing "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\operaprefs.ini" and not "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Mail\operaprefs_default.ini", correct?
Also, each time you attempt to get it to work right, delete the new email folder Opera creates *in* "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail".
Just for the hell of it, maybe try E:\Opera Mail\mail for the path. It shouldn't matter, but...
Is the E drive formatted as NTFS instead of FAT32? It shouldn't matter as long as the files in the mail folder are small enough etc., but reformat the drive as NTFS (backing up things first if possible) if needed.
Also, search the whole C: drive (and the E drive is there's a lot on it) to see if you can find another "mail" folder. Searching for omailbase.dat might be good enough. If the path that Opera reads from operaprefs.ini gets messed up for some reason, Opera might create the new mail folder somewhere else. This doesn't sound like the case given Opera keeps creating a new mail folder in the default location. But, I'd check anyway.
What type of drive is E:?
modus operandi last edited by
Well, first of all, thank you so much burnout426 ! Sure you're not yet burned out ! It seems to work smoothly now - except for the one tricky problem that is handled in another thread.
What did I have to do :
1- delete the newly created folder in "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail".
2- Put the mail root directory line under the [Mail] section in a operaprefs.ini, rather than under "Users preferences "as I did first.
All other conditions were OK. And my E-drive is a 500GB partition on a big 2T HDD.Thanks again and see you at the next problem